1.1 |
SCL101A - Education units, by categories of units, ownerships, macroregions, development regions and counties
1.2 |
SCL101B - Education units, by level of education, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties
1.3 |
SCL101C - Education units, by level of education, counties and localities
1.4 |
SCL101D - Education units, by categories of units, urban/ rural area
1.5 |
SCL101E - Faculties, by ownerships, macroregions, development regions and counties
1.6 |
SCL102A - School-age population enrollment rate in education, by gender
2.1 |
SCL103A - Enrolled population, by level of education, ages and gender
2.2 |
SCL103B - Children and pupils enrollment in pre-university education, by level of education, languages, macroregions, development regions and counties
2.3 |
SCL103D - Enrolled population, by level of education, counties and localities
2.4 |
SCL103E - Enrolled population, by level of education, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties
2.5 |
SCL103F - Enrolled population, by level of education, gender, macroregions, development regions and counties
2.6 |
SCL103G - Enrolled population, by level of education, educational frecvence, macroregions, development regions and counties
2.7 |
SCL103H - Enrolled population, by level of education, ownerships, macroregions, development regions and counties
2.8 |
SCL103I - Enrolled population, by level of education, urban/ rural area
2.9 |
SCL103J - Pupils enrolled in pre-university education, by foreign language studied
2.10 |
SCL103K - Vocational, apprenticeship, post high school and foremen education, by type of school and training profile
2.11 |
SCL103L - Students enrolled in tertiary education, by group of specializations
3.1 |
SCL104A - Classroom teachers, by level of education, gender, macroregions, development regions and counties
3.2 |
SCL104B - Classroom teachers in pre-university education, by level of education, languages, macroregions, development regions and counties
3.3 |
SCL104C - Classroom teachers, by level of education, ownerships, macroregions, development regions and counties
3.4 |
SCL104D - Classroom teachers, by level of education, counties and localities
3.5 |
SCL104E - Classroom teachers, by level of education, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties
3.6 |
SCL104F - Classroom teachers, by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.1 |
SCL105A - Classrooms (school cabinest/amphiteaters), by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.2 |
SCL105B - Classrooms (school cabinest/amphiteaters), by level of education, counties and localities
4.3 |
SCL105C - Classrooms (school cabinest/amphiteaters), by level of education, macroregions, development regions and counties
4.4 |
SCL106A - Class laboratory, by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.5 |
SCL106B - Class laboratory, by level of education, macroregions, development regions and counties
4.6 |
SCL106C - Class laboratory, by level of education, counties and localities
4.7 |
SCL107A - Gym classroom, by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.8 |
SCL107B - Gym classroom, by level of education, macroregions, development regions and counties
4.9 |
SCL107C - Gym classroom, by level of education, counties and localities
4.10 |
SCL108A - School workshop, by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.11 |
SCL108B - School workshop, by level of education, counties and localities
4.12 |
SCL108C - School workshop, by level of education, macroregions, development regions and counties
4.13 |
SCL110A - The sport field, by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.14 |
SCL110B - The sport field , by level of education, counties and localities
4.15 |
SCL110C - The sport field, by level of education, macroregions, development regions and counties
4.16 |
SCL111A - The swimming pools, by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.17 |
SCL111B - The swimming pools, by level of education, counties and localities
4.18 |
SCL111C - The swimming pools, by level of education, macroregions, development regions and counties
4.19 |
SCL112A - PC in the school/ university unit administration, by level of education, urban/ rural area
4.20 |
SCL112B - PC in the school/ university unit administration, by level of education, counties and localities
4.21 |
SCL112C - PC in the school/ university unit administration, by level of education, macroregions, development regions and counties
5.1 |
SCL109A - Number of graduates by level of education, gender, macroregions, development regions and counties
5.2 |
SCL109B - Graduates by level of education, educational frecvence, macroregions, development regions and counties
5.3 |
SCL109C - Graduates by level of education, urban/ rural area
5.4 |
SCL109D - Number of graduates by level of education, counties and localities
5.5 |
SCL109E - Graduates in the vocational, post high school and foremen education, by type of school and training profile
5.6 |
SCL109G - Number of pupils who graduated the school leaving examination, by development regions and counties
5.7 |
SCL109H - Gratuates in the tertiary education, by group of specializations, ownerships, macroregions, development regions and counties
5.8 |
SCL113A - Abandon rate in pre-university education, by development regions and counties
Project funded by the EU |
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