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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from ADULT EDUCATION
1.1 AED101A - Participation rate in formal education, non-formal education or informal learning - for persons aged 18-69 years, by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.2 AED103A - Persons aged 18-69 years by participation in formal education, non-formal education or informal learning , by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.3 AED105A - Distribution of people aged 18-69 by access to information on learning opportunities, by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.4 AED106A - Participation rate of employed population in non-formal job-related and sponsored by employer education, job characteristics  
1.5 AED108A - Foreign languages most frequently known by people aged 18-69, according to the characteristics of the people who know them  
1.6 AED109A - Distribution of people aged 18-69 who know at least one foreign language according to the self-reported level of competence, by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.7 AED301A - Distribution of persons aged 18-69 years who participated in non-formal education by the number of non-formal educational activities in which they participated in the last 12 months, by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.8 AED302A - Distribution of participations in non-formal educational activities carried out in the last 12 months, according to the type of activity and characteristics of participants  
1.9 AED304A - Ways of learning used by people aged 18-69 who participated in informal learning, by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.10 AED305A - Participation rate in non-formal job-related and sponsored by employer education, by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.11 AED307A - Distribution of people aged 18-69 according to the number of foreign languages known, by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions  
1.12 AED313A - Share of participations in non-formal job-related educational activities carried out in the last 12 months, by characteristics of participants  
1.13 AED314A - Share of participations of employed persons in non-formal job-related educational activities carried out in the last 12 months, by job characteristics  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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