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1.1 TRN139A - Length of public roads by type of road, type of road surface, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.2 TRN142A - Railways network length under operation, by type of railways  
1.3 TRN143A - Railways network length under operation, by type of railways, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.4 TRN144A - Length of inland waterways  
1.5 TRN144B - Length of inland waterways by macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.6 TRN145A - Lenghts of pipelines, by type of pipeline  
2.1 TRN135A - Passengers transport in intercity and international transport, by mode of transport  
2.2 TRN136A - Passengers transport performance in intercity and international transport, by mode of transport  
2.3 TRN137A - Goods transport, by mode of transport  
2.4 TRN137B - Goods transport, by groups of goods NST/R and mode of transport  
2.5 TRN137C - Goods transport, by types of goods NST 2007 and mode of transport  
2.6 TRN137D - Transported goods by destination and type of road transport  
2.7 TRN137E - Transported goods by type of vehicles, transport capacity and type of road transport  
2.8 TRN137F - Transported goods by category of dangerous goods and type of road transport  
2.9 TRN138A - Goods transport performance, by mode of transport  
2.10 TRN138B - Goods transport performance by destination and type of road transport  
2.11 TRN138C - Goods transport performance by type of vehicles, transport capacity and type of road transport  
2.12 TRN138D - Goods transport performance by category of dangerous goods and type of road transport  
2.13 TRN140A - Vehicle - kilometers by destination and type of road transport  
3.1 TRN102A - New registrations of road vehicles for passenger transport, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.2 TRN102B - New registrations of vehicles for transport of goods, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.3 TRN103B - Registered road vehicles (end of the year), by category of road vehicle, by type of ownership, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.4 TRN103C - Registered road vehicles (end of the year), by groups of age  
3.5 TRN103D - Registered road vehicles (end of the year), by type of fuel  
3.6 TRN103E - Registered road vehicles (end of the year), by European vehicle emissions standards  
3.7 TRN104A - Road traffic injury accidents, by the nature and the way they happend  
3.8 TRN104B - Road traffic injury accidents, by the moment they happend  
3.9 TRN104C - Road traffic injury accidents, by the roadway status  
3.10 TRN104D - Road traffic injury accidents, by the conditions they happend  
3.11 TRN104E - Road traffic injury accidents, by the place that they happened  
3.12 TRN104F - Road traffic injury accidents, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.13 TRN105A - Casualties in road traffic injury accidents by the age and the seriousness casualties  
3.14 TRN105B - Casualties in road traffic injury accidents by macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.1 TRN106A - Locomotives (end of the year) by types of locomotives  
4.2 TRN112A - Passenger and freight railway vehicles (end of the year), by types of railway vehicles  
4.3 TRN113A - Capacity of passenger and freight railway vehicles (end of the year), by types of railway vehicles  
5.1 TRN120A - Inland waterways vessels, by types of vessels, registered at the end of the year  
5.2 TRN121A - Capacity of inland waterways ships for transport of goods, by types of ships at the end of the year  
5.3 TRN125A - Seagoing vessels registered at the end of the year  
5.4 TRN126A - Capacity of seagoing vessels for transport of freights and passengers, by types of vessels at the end of the year  
5.5 TRN130A - Transport of goods at ports, by categories of port operations, transport modes and groups of goods NST/R  
5.6 TRN130B - Transport of goods at ports, by categories of port operations, transport modes and types of goods NST 2007  
6.1 TRN132A - Aircraft registered (with navigability certificate), by types of aircraft  
6.2 TRN133A - Airports traffic  

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Project funded
by the EU
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