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CDP104F - Total expenditure from research-development activity by type of research programmes , according to NABS and financing sources- current prices: Please select the criteria for your query
Type of research-development programs according to NABS Financing sources for research-development activity Years MU: Millions lei, lei RON, thousands lei RON, millions lei RON (from 2005)

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CDP104F - Total expenditure from research-development activity by type of research programmes , according to NABS and financing sources- current prices 
Definition The expenditure made in the units with research-development sector refers to the current and capital expenditure the research objectives of R&D units.
The expenditure by destination includes:
- current expenditure - payments made within units during a certain period of time, representing labour cost, the cost of materials and other running expenses;
- capital expenditure (investments) - payments made during a certain period of time for the execution of construction works, the purchase of apparatus, tools, machinery and equipment or other expenses of this type, meant to contribute to the increase in the unit's volume of fixed assets.

Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical surveys on research-development activity details 
Methodology The total (capital and current) expenditure for the research-development activity was structured by several features, as follows:
a) by financing source:
- from public funds (state budget) - mainly managed by the co-ordinators of funds and used for financing the research-development works based on contracts and general programmes financed from the budget;
- from economic units, meant for performing research-development works based on contracts, irrespective of ownership type and activity field;
- from higher education units, intended for carrying out research-development works based on contracts;
- from non-lucrative associations, intended for performing research-development works contracted by professional organisations, trade-union associations, cultural ones, charity and mutual assistance organisations;
- from the unit's own funds, in order to perform research-development works based on resources from production activities, micro-production, savings to the unit's general expenditure and any other source of the unit;
- from other domestic funds, whose financing source is represented by donations or any other unspecified source;
- funds from abroad for research-development activities, including sources received from international organisations, foreign governments or institutions;
Excepting public founds, all the financing sources are included in other sources.
b) by research-development scientific programmes - the expenditure for the research-development activity is structured (according to the Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programmes and Budgets - NABS) by types of scientific programmes used at international level. 
Last update OCT 20, 2010 
Observations For period 1990-1995 data are not available because data colecting was not carried out on NABS programmes. 
Interruption Last period of this series: Year 2007. After this period, the series continue with the CDP104I matrix
Responsible person Dumitriu D Diana Rodica, email:, phone 0213181854/ 0372317153 int. 1495 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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