1.1 |
POP101A - Stable (de facto) population, by sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st. - INVALIDA
1.2 |
POP101B - Stable (de facto) population in working age, by urban/ rural area, sex, working age, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st. - INVALIDA
1.3 |
POP101C - Stable (de facto) population, by age group, ages, sex and urban/ rural area, at January 1st. - INVALIDA
1.4 |
POP101D - Stable (de facto) population, by counties, localities, age group and sex, at January 1st. - INVALIDA
1.5 |
POP101E - x
1.6 |
POP101F - X
1.7 |
POP102A - Stable (de facto) population, by age group, ages, sex and urban/ rural area, at July 1st. - INVALIDA
1.8 |
POP102B - Stable (de facto) population, by macroregions, development regions and counties, urban/ rural area, age group and sex, at July 1st. - INVALIDA
1.9 |
POP102D - Stable (de facto) population, by counties, localities, age group and sex, at July 1st. - INVALIDA
1.10 |
POP103A - Legal (de jure), by sex, urban/ area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st. - INVALIDA
1.11 |
POP103B - Legal (de jure) population, by age group, ages, sex and urban/ rural area, at January 1st. - INVALIDA
1.12 |
POP103C - Legal (de jure) population, by age group, ages, sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st - recalculated data - INVALIDA
1.13 |
POP104A - Legal (de jure) population, by sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at July 1st. - INVALIDA
1.14 |
POP104B - Legal (de jure) population by counties and localities at July 1st. - INVALIDA
1.15 |
POP105A - Usually resident population by age group and ages, sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties at January 1st.
1.16 |
POP105B - Usually resident population by age group, sex and countries of birth at January 1st - CONSTRUCTIE
1.17 |
POP105C - Usually resident population by age groups, sex and country of citizenship at January 1st - CONSTRUCTIE
1.18 |
POP106A - Usually resident population by age group and ages, sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at July 1st.
1.19 |
POP109A - Mean age of usually resident population by sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at July 1st
1.20 |
POP113A - Median age of usually resident population on January 1 by sex and macroregion, development region and county
1.21 |
POP114A - The age dependency ratio of usually resident population on January 1 by macroregion, development region and county
2.1 |
POP107A - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION, by age group and age, sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st
2.2 |
POP107B - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION in working age, by urban/ rural area, sex, macroregions, development regions and counties, at January 1st.
2.3 |
POP107C - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION, by age group, ages, sex and urban/ rural area, at January 1st. - INVALIDA
2.4 |
POP107D - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION, by age group and ages, sex, counties and localities at January 1st.
2.5 |
POP108A - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION, by age group, ages, sex and urban/ rural area, at July 1st. - INVALIDA
2.6 |
POP108B - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION, by age group and age, sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at July 1st
2.7 |
POP108C - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION for official age group specific to pre-school education by counties and localities, at July 1st.
2.8 |
POP108D - LEGALLY RESIDENT POPULATION, by age group and age, sex, counties and localities, at July 1st.
2.9 |
POP110A - Mean age of legally resident population by sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties, at July 1st
3.1 |
POP111A - Population on January 1st by age group, age and sex
3.2 |
POP112A - Population on July 1st by age group, age and sex
Project funded by the EU |
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