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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from VITAL STATISTICS Press releases
1.1 POP201A - Live-births by sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.2 POP201B - Live-births by father's and mother's age group, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.3 POP201C - Live-births by live-birth rank, by mother's age group  
1.4 POP201D - Live-births by counties and localities  
1.5 POP201E - Live-births by place of birth and assistance at birth  
1.6 POP201F - Average age of mother at birth, by urban/ rural area  
1.7 POP201G - Abortions, by mother's age group  
1.8 POP201H - Live-births with usual residence in Romania by sex, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.9 POP201I - Live-births with usual residence in Romania by father's and mother's age group, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.10 POP201J - Live-births with usual residence in Romania by live-birth order, by mother's age group  
1.11 POP201K - Live-births with usual residence in Romania by counties and localities  
1.12 POP201L - Live-births with usual residence in Romania by place of birth and assistance at birth  
1.13 POP201M - Average age of mother at birth, for live-births with usual residence in Romania, by urban/ rural area of usual residence  
1.14 POP202A - Live-birth rate, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.15 POP202B - Live-birth rate for live-borns with usual residence in Romania, by urban/ rural area of usual residence, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.16 POP203A - Fertility rate by urban/ rural area, mother's age group, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.17 POP203B - Fertility rate for live-born with usual residence in Romania by urban/ rural area of usual residence, mother's age group, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.18 POP203C - Fertility rate for live-born with usual residence in Romania by mother's age and development regions  
2.1 POP204A - Late foetal deaths by mother's age group  
2.2 POP204B - Late foetal deaths by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.3 POP204C - Late foetal deaths by counties and localities  
2.4 POP204D - Late foetal deaths with usual residence in Romania by mother's age group  
2.5 POP204E - Late foetal deaths with usual residence in Romania by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.6 POP204F - Late foetal deaths with usual residence in Romania by counties and localities  
2.7 POP205A - Late foetal deaths rate, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.8 POP205B - Late foetal deaths rate for late foetal deaths with usual residence in Romania, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.9 POP206A - Deaths by sex, urban/ rural area and age group  
2.10 POP206B - Deaths by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.11 POP206C - Deaths by death causes, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.12 POP206D - Deaths by counties and localities  
2.13 POP206E - Deaths by sex, age group, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.14 POP206F - Deaths by sex and causes of deaths  
2.15 POP206G - Deaths by urban/ rural area of usual residence, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.16 POP206H - Deaths having their usual residence in Romania by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.17 POP206I - Deaths having their usual residence in Romania by causes of death, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.18 POP206J - Deaths having their usual residence in Romania by counties and localities  
2.19 POP206K - Deaths having their usual residence in Romania by sex, age groups, macroregions, regions of development and counties  
2.20 POP206L - Deaths having their usual residence in Romania by sex and causes of deaths  
2.21 POP207A - Mortality rate by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.22 POP207B - Mortality rate by age group and sex  
2.23 POP207C - Mortality rate for the deceased having their usual residence in Romania by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.24 POP207D - Mortality rate for the deceased having their usual residence in Romania by age groups and sex  
2.25 POP208A - Deaths under 1 year old by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.26 POP208B - Deaths under 1 year old by age group  
2.27 POP208C - Deaths under 1 year old by counties and localities  
2.28 POP208D - Deaths under 1 year of age, by cause of death  
2.29 POP208E - Deaths under 1 year having their usual residence in Romania, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.30 POP208F - Deaths under 1 year having their usual residence in Romania, by age groups  
2.31 POP208G - Deaths under 1 year having their usual residence in Romania, by counties and localities  
2.32 POP208H - Deaths under 1 year having their usual residence in Romania, by causes of death  
2.33 POP209A - Infantile mortality rate, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.34 POP209B - Infantile mortality rate for the infant deaths having their usual residence in Romania, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.1 POP210A - Marriages by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.2 POP210B - Marriages by age group of spouses  
3.3 POP210C - Marriages by previous civil status of spouses  
3.4 POP210D - Marriages by counties and localities  
3.5 POP211A - Nuptiality rates, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.6 POP216A - Mean age at marriage of both spouses, by urban/ rural area, sex, macroregions, development regions and counties  
3.7 POP216B - Mean age at first marriage of both spouses, by urban/ rural area, sex, macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.1 POP212A - Divorces by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.2 POP212B - Divorces by counties and localities  
4.3 POP212C - Divorces by age group of spouses  
4.4 POP212D - Divorces by length of marriage  
4.5 POP212E - Divorces by the number of dependent children left after the divorce, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.6 POP213A - Divorciality rate by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
5.1 POP214A - Natural increase of the population, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
5.2 POP214B - Natural increase of the usual resident population, by urban/ rural area, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
5.3 POP215A - Rate of natural increase of the population, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
5.4 POP215B - Rate of natural increase of the usual resident population, by urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties  
5.5 POP217A - Life expectancy by urban/ rural area, sex, macroregions, development regions and counties  
5.6 POP217B - Life expectancy by ages, sex and development regions  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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