TEMPO - HOME >>> LABOUR FORCE Labor force and salary earnings-Press releases
Employment and unemployment-Press releases
1.1 |
FOM101A - Labour resources by gender, macroregions, development region and counties
1.2 |
FOM116A - Employment rate of labour resources by gender, macroregions, development regions and counties
2.1 |
FOM102A - Civil economically active population by sex, macroregions, development regions and counties
2.2 |
FOM114A - Gross activity rate
2.3 |
FOM115A - Activity rate of labour resources by macroregions, development regions and counties
3.1 |
FOM103A - Civil employment population by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section, gender, macroregions, development regions and counties
3.2 |
FOM103B - Civil employment population by activities of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section, by professional status of active population
3.3 |
FOM103C - Civil employment population by activities of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section and ownership type
3.4 |
FOM103D - Civil employment population by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section, gender, macroregions, development regions and counties
3.5 |
FOM103E - Civil employment population by activities of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section, by professional status of active population
3.6 |
FOM103F - Civil employment population by activities of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section and ownership type
4.1 |
SOM101A - Registered unemployed by categories of unemployed, gender,macroregions, development regions and counties, at the end of the month
4.2 |
SOM101B - Registered unemployed by categories of unemployed, gender,macroregions, development regions and counties
4.3 |
SOM101C - Registered unemployed beneficiaries of money rights, by age group, sex and level of preparing
4.4 |
SOM101D - Registered unemployed, beneficiaries of money rights, by unemployment rate , by age group and gender
4.5 |
SOM101E - Registered unemployed by gender, counties and localities, at the end of the month
4.6 |
SOM101F - Share of registered unemployed at the end of the month in the total labor resources, by gender, counties and localities, at the end of the month
4.7 |
SOM103A - Unemployment rate by gender, macroregions, development regions and counties
4.8 |
SOM103B - Unemployment rate by gender, macroregions, development regions and counties, at the end of the month
4.9 |
SOM104A - Persons attending vocational training courses
5.1 |
AMG1010 - AMIGO - Participation of population in the labour force by sex and by urban/rural area
5.2 |
AMG101A - AMIGO - Economically active population by age group and by sex
5.3 |
AMG101B - AMIGO - Economically active population by age group and by urban/rural area
5.4 |
AMG101C - AMIGO - Economically active population by marital status and by age group
5.5 |
AMG101D - AMIGO - Economically active population by marital status and by sex
5.6 |
AMG101E - AMIGO - Economically active population by marital status and by urban/rural area
5.7 |
AMG101F - AMIGO - Economically active population by age group and by sex
5.8 |
AMG101R - AMIGO - Economically active population by age group and by urban/rural area
5.9 |
AMG155A - AMIGO - Activity rate by age group and by sex
5.10 |
AMG155B - AMIGO - Activity rate by age group and by urban/rural area
5.11 |
AMG155C - AMIGO - Activity rate by age group and by sex
5.12 |
AMG155D - AMIGO - Activity rate by age group and by urban/rural area
5.13 |
AMG155E - AMIGO - Activity rate by age group and urban/rural area, by macro-regions and development regions
5.14 |
AMG155F - AMIGO - Activity rate by age group and sex, by macro-regions and development regions
6.1 |
AMG1101 - AMIGO - Employment by age group, by status in employment and by sex
6.2 |
AMG1102 - AMIGO - Employment by age group, by status in employment and by urban/rural area
6.3 |
AMG1103 - AMIGO - Employment and employees by working programme, by age group and by sex
6.4 |
AMG1104 - AMIGO - Employment and employees by working programme, by age group and by urban/rural area
6.5 |
AMG1105 - AMIGO - Employment and employees by working programme, by activities of the national economy and by sex
6.6 |
AMG1106 - AMIGO - Employment and employees by working programme, by activities of the national economy and by urban/rural area
6.7 |
AMG1107 - AMIGO - Employment by age group, by urban/rural area
6.8 |
AMG110A - AMIGO - Employment by age group and by sex
6.9 |
AMG110B - AMIGO - Employment by age group and by urban/rural area
6.10 |
AMG110C - AMIGO - Employment by marital status and by age group
6.11 |
AMG110D - AMIGO - Employment by sex and by marital status
6.12 |
AMG110E - AMIGO - Employment by urban/rural area and by marital status
6.13 |
AMG110F - AMIGO - Employment by age group and by sex
6.14 |
AMG110I - AMIGO - Employment by level of education, by age group and by sex
6.15 |
AMG110J - AMIGO - Employment by level of education, by age group and by urban/rural area
6.16 |
AMG110M - AMIGO - Employment by ownership type of working place, by activities of the national economy and by sex
6.17 |
AMG110N - AMIGO - Employment by ownership type of working place, by activities of the national economy and by urban/rural area
6.18 |
AMG110O - AMIGO - Employment by activities of the national economy, by age group and by sex
6.19 |
AMG110P - AMIGO - Employment by activities of the national economy, by age group and by urban/rural area
6.20 |
AMG110S - AMIGO - Employment by activities of the national economy, by status in employment and by sex
6.21 |
AMG110T - AMIGO - Employment by activities of the national economy, by status in employment and by urban/rural area
6.22 |
AMG110U - AMIGO - Employment by groups of occupations, by age group and by sex
6.23 |
AMG110V - AMIGO - Employment by groups of occupations, by age group and by urban/rural area
6.24 |
AMG110W - AMIGO - Employment by group of occupations, by level of education and by sex
6.25 |
AMG110X - AMIGO - Employment by group of occupations, by level of education and by urban/rural area
6.26 |
AMG111A - AMIGO-Employment by age group and by sex (comparable data)
6.27 |
AMG111B - AMIGO-Employment by age group and by urban/rural area (comparable data)
6.28 |
AMG115A - AMIGO - Part-time employment by usual duration of working week, by status in employment and by sex
6.29 |
AMG115B - AMIGO - Part-time employment by usual duration of working week, by status in employment and by urban/rural area
6.30 |
AMG115E - AMIGO - Part-time employment by actual duration of working week, by status in employment and by sex
6.31 |
AMG115F - AMIGO - Part-time employment by actual duration of working week, by status in employment and by urban/rural area
6.32 |
AMG115K - AMIGO - Employees with temporary working regime by usual duration of working week and by sex
6.33 |
AMG115L - AMIGO - Employees with temporary working regime by usual duration of working week and by urban/rural area
6.34 |
AMG115X - AMIGO - Employees with permanent working regime by actual duration of working week and by sex
6.35 |
AMG115Z - AMIGO - Employees with permanent working regime by actual duration of working week and by urban/rural area
6.36 |
AMG116A - AMIGO - Full-time employment by usual duration of working week, by status in employment and by sex
6.37 |
AMG116B - AMIGO - Full-time employment by usual duration of working week, by status in employment and by urban/rural area
6.38 |
AMG116E - AMIGO - Full-time employment by actual duration of working week, by status in employment and by sex
6.39 |
AMG116F - AMIGO - Full-time employment by actual duration of working week, by status in employment and by urban/rural area
6.40 |
AMG119A - AMIGO - Employment with second job by level of education and by sex
6.41 |
AMG119B - AMIGO - Employment with second job by level of education and by urban/rural area
6.42 |
AMG119C - AMIGO - Employment with second job by age group and by sex
6.43 |
AMG119D - AMIGO - Employment with second job by age group and by urban/rural area
6.44 |
AMG156A - AMIGO - Employment rate by age group and by sex
6.45 |
AMG156B - AMIGO - Employment rate by age group and by urban/rural area
6.46 |
AMG156C - AMIGO - Employment rate by age group and by sex
6.47 |
AMG156D - AMIGO - Employment rate by age group and by urban/rural area
6.48 |
AMG156E - AMIGO - Employment rate by age group and urban/rural area, by macro-regions and development regions
6.49 |
AMG156F - AMIGO - Employment rate by age group and sex, by macro-regions and development regions
6.50 |
AMG158A - AMIGO-Employment rate by age group and by sex (comparable data)
6.51 |
AMG158B - AMIGO-Employment rate by age group and by urban/rural area (comparable data)
6.52 |
AMG158C - AMIGO-Employment rate (20-64 years) by level of education, by gender (comparable data )
6.53 |
AMG158D - AMIGO-Employment rate (20-64 years ), by level of education, by age group ( comparable data )
6.54 |
AMG158E - AMIGO-Employment rate (20-64 years ), by gender and development regions ( comparable data )
6.55 |
AMG158F - AMIGO-Employment rate (20-64 years ), by level of education, by development region ( comparable data)
6.56 |
AMG158G - AMIGO-Employment rate (20-64 years ), by age groups and development regions ( comparable data)
6.57 |
AMG160A - AMIGO-Share of part-time employment (20-64 years ), by gender and age group ( comparable data )
6.58 |
AMG160B - AMIGO-Share of part-time employment (20-64 years ), by level of education, by gender ( comparable data )
6.59 |
AMG160C - AMIGO-Share of part-time employment (20-64 years ), by level of education, by age group ( comparable data)
7.1 |
AMG130A - AMIGO - ILO unemployed by age group and by sex
7.2 |
AMG130B - AMIGO - ILO unemployed by age group and by urban/rural area
7.3 |
AMG130G - AMIGO - ILO unemployed by level of education, by age group and by sex
7.4 |
AMG130H - AMIGO - ILO unemployed by level of education, by age group and by urban/rural area
7.5 |
AMG130K - AMIGO - ILO unemployed by unemployment duration, by age group and by sex
7.6 |
AMG130L - AMIGO - ILO unemployed by unemployment duration , by age group and by urban/rural area
7.7 |
AMG130M - AMIGO - ILO unemployed, unadjusted series, by age group and by sex
7.8 |
AMG130N - AMIGO - ILO unemployed, seasonally adjusted series, by age group and by sex
7.9 |
AMG130O - AMIGO - ILO unemployed, trend, by age group and by sex
7.10 |
AMG131A - AMIGO-ILO unemployed by age group and by sex (comparable data)
7.11 |
AMG131B - AMIGO-ILO unemployed by age group and by urban/rural area (comparable data)
7.12 |
AMG138A - AMIGO - ILO unemployed who never worked by age group and by sex
7.13 |
AMG138B - AMIGO - ILO unemployed who never worked by age group and by urban/rural area
7.14 |
AMG138C - AMIGO - ILO unemployed who never worked by level of education and by sex
7.15 |
AMG138D - AMIGO - ILO unemployed who never worked by level of education and by urban/rural area
7.16 |
AMG139A - AMIGO - ILO unemployed with previous work experience by age group and by sex
7.17 |
AMG139B - AMIGO - ILO unemployed with previous work experience by age group and by urban/rural area
7.18 |
AMG139C - AMIGO - ILO unemployed with previous work experience by level of education and by sex
7.19 |
AMG139D - AMIGO - ILO unemployed with previous work experience by level of education and by urban/rural area
7.20 |
AMG157A - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate by age group and by sex
7.21 |
AMG157B - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate by age group and by urban/rural area
7.22 |
AMG157C - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate by age group and by sex
7.23 |
AMG157D - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate by age group and by urban/rural area
7.24 |
AMG157E - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate by age group and urban/rural area, by macro-regions and development regions
7.25 |
AMG157F - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate by age group and sex, by macro-regions and development regions
7.26 |
AMG157G - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate, unadjusted series, by age group and sex
7.27 |
AMG157H - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted series, by age group and sex
7.28 |
AMG157I - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate, trend, by age group and sex
7.29 |
AMG159A - AMIGO-ILO unemployment rate by age group and by sex (comparable data)
7.30 |
AMG159B - AMIGO-ILO unemployment rate by age group and by urban/rural area (comparable data)
7.31 |
AMG159C - Unemployment rate (15-74 years ), by level of education, by gender (comparable data )
7.32 |
AMG159D - AMIGO-Unemployment rate (15-74 years ), by level of education, by age groups ( comparable data )
7.33 |
AMG159E - AMIGO-Unemployment rate (15-74 years ),by gender and development regions ( comparable data)
7.34 |
AMG159F - AMIGO-Unemployment rate (15-74 years), by age groups and development regions (comparable data)
7.35 |
AMG159G - AMIGO-Unemployment rate (15-74 years ), by level of education, by development region( comparable data)
7.36 |
AMG165A - AMIGO-Share of part-time employment (20-64 years ), by gender and age group ( comparable data )
7.37 |
AMG165B - AMIGO-Long-term unemployment rate (15-74 years), by level of education, by age groups ( comparable data )
7.38 |
AMG165C - Long-term unemployment rate (15-74 years), by level of education, by gender ( comparable data )
8.1 |
AMG145A - AMIGO - Non-economically active population by age group and by sex
8.2 |
AMG145B - AMIGO - Non-economically active population by age group and by urban/rural area
8.3 |
AMG146E - AMIGO - Non-economically active persons aged 15 years and over by level of education, by age group and by sex
8.4 |
AMG146F - AMIGO - Non-economically active persons aged 15 years and over by level of education, by age group and by urban/rural area
8.5 |
AMG152A - AMIGO - Discouraged persons in finding any job by age group and by sex
8.6 |
AMG152B - AMIGO - Discouraged persons in finding any job by age group and by urban/rural area
8.7 |
AMG170A - AMIGO- Share of inactive people who are not looking for a job but are available to work (15-74 years ), by sex and age group ( comparable data )
8.8 |
AMG175A - AMIGO-Share of inactive people who are looking for a job but are not available to work (15-74 years ), by gender and age group ( comparable data 0
9.1 |
FOM104A - Average number of employees by categories, economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section, macroregions, development regions and counties
9.2 |
FOM104B - Average number of employees by categories, ownership types, macroregions, development regions and counties
9.3 |
FOM104D - Average number of employees by counties and localities
9.4 |
FOM104E - Average number of employees by categories and industry activities at level of NACE division CANE Rev.1
9.5 |
FOM104F - Average number of employees by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division), sex, macroregions, development regions and counties
9.6 |
FOM104G - Average number of employees by categories of employees, types of ownership, economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division) and by sex
9.7 |
FOM104H - Average number of employees by industry activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division and by sex, macroregions, development regions and counties
9.8 |
FOM105A - Employees at December 31 by categories, ownership types, macroregions, development regions and counties
9.9 |
FOM105B - Employees at December 31 by categories, economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section, sex, macroregions, development regions and counties
9.10 |
FOM105D - Employees at December 31 by categories and industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division
9.11 |
FOM105E - Number of employees at the end of the month in the economy section and division level, CANE Rev.2
9.12 |
FOM105F - Employees at December 31 by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division), sex, macroregions, development regions and counties
9.13 |
FOM105G - Employees at December 31 by categories of employees, types of ownership, economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division) and by sex
9.14 |
FOM105H - Employees at December 31 by industry activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division, sex, by macroregions, development regions and counties
10.1 |
ACC101A - Colective accidents by economic activities CANE Rev.1
10.2 |
ACC101B - Colective accidents at work by macroregions, development regions and counties
10.3 |
ACC101C - Colective accidents at work by economic activities CANE Rev.2
10.4 |
ACC102A - Injuried persons at work by economic activities CANE Rev.1, type of accidents at work
10.5 |
ACC102B - Injuried persons at work by type of accidents at work, by macroregions, development regions and counties
10.6 |
ACC102C - Injuried persons at work by economic activities CANE Rev.2, type of accidents at work
10.7 |
CNF101B - Conflicts of interest by macroregions, development region and counties
10.8 |
CNF101C - Conflicts of interest by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section
10.9 |
CNF101D - Conflicts of interest by activity of industry at level of division CANE Rev.1
10.10 |
CNF101E - Conflicts of interest by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division
10.11 |
CNF101F - Conflicts of interest and their monthly frequency
10.12 |
CNF102A - Employees from units where conflicts of interest took place by activity of national economy at level of section CANE Rev.1 and categories of persons
10.13 |
CNF102B - Employees from units where conflicts of interest took place by activity of industry at level division CANE Rev.1 and categories of persons
10.14 |
CNF102C - Employees from units where conflicts of interest took place by their monthly frequency, by categories of persons
10.15 |
CNF102D - Employees from units where conflicts of interest took place by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2, section and division, and categories of persons
10.16 |
CNF102E - Employees from units where conflicts of interest took, by macroregions, development regions and counties
10.17 |
GRV101A - Strikes initiated by observing the procedure provided by law by type of strikes
10.18 |
GRV102A - Employees for the units where strikes took place, by type of strikes and categories of persons
11.1 |
FOM106A - Average monthly nominal net earnings by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section, categories of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties
11.2 |
FOM106B - Average monthly nominal net earnings by ownership types and categories of employees
11.3 |
FOM106C - Average monthly nominal net earnings by industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division and categories of employees
11.4 |
FOM106D - Monthly average net earnings in the economy on section and division level, CANE Rev.2
11.5 |
FOM106E - Average monthly nominal net earnings by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division), sex, macroregions, development regions and counties
11.6 |
FOM106F - Average monthly nominal net earnings by categories of employees, types of ownership, economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division) and by sex
11.7 |
FOM107A - Average monthly nominal gross earnings by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section, categories of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties
11.8 |
FOM107B - Average monthly nominal gross earnings by industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division and categories of employees
11.9 |
FOM107C - Average monthly nominal gross earnings by types of ownership and categories of employees
11.10 |
FOM107D - Monthly average gross earnings in the economy on section and division level, CANE Rev.2
11.11 |
FOM107E - Average monthly nominal gross earnings by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division), sex, macroregions, development regions and counties
11.12 |
FOM107F - Average monthly nominal gross earnings by categories of employees, types of ownership, economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 (section and division) and by sex
11.13 |
FOM108A - Hourly average gross earnings in the economy on section and division level, CANE Rev.2
11.14 |
FOM109A - Hourly average net earnings in the economy on section and division level, CANE Rev.2
11.15 |
FOM110A - The real earnings index
11.16 |
FOM117A - The basic gross salary in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by categories of employees and economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section
11.17 |
FOM117B - The basic gross salary in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by categories of employees and industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division
11.18 |
FOM117C - The basic gross salary in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by categories of employees and economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division
11.19 |
FOM118A - The average gross salary earned in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by categories of employees and economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section
11.20 |
FOM118B - The average gross salary earned in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by categories of employees and industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division
11.21 |
FOM118C - The average gross salary earned in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by categories of employees and economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division
11.22 |
FOM118D - The average gross salary earned in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section, major groups of occupations (ISCO-88) and gender
11.23 |
FOM118E - The average gross salary earned in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division, major groups of occupations (ISCO-88) and gender
11.24 |
FOM118F - The average gross salary earned in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division, major groups of occupations (ISCO-88) and gender
11.25 |
FOM118G - Number of employees and the average gross salary earned in October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division, major groups of occupations (ISCO-08) and gender
11.26 |
FOM119A - The average gross earnings in month October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section, major groups of occupations (ISCO-88) and gender
11.27 |
FOM119B - The average gross earnings in month October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division, major groups of occupations (ISCO-88) and gender
11.28 |
FOM119C - The average gross earnings in month October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division, major groups of occupations (ISCO-88) and gender
11.29 |
FOM119D - The average gross earnings in month October of the employees who worked full-time the whole month by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division, major groups of occupations (ISCO-08) and gender
11.30 |
FOM121A - Number of employees with full-time paid for the whole month, the basic gross salary and the gross income received in October by ownership types, economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division, major groups of occupations (ISCO - 08) and gender
11.31 |
FOM121B - Number of employees with full-time paid for the whole month, the basic gross salary and the gross income received in October by age group, major groups of occupations (ISCO - 08) and gender
12.1 |
FOM111A - Average monthly labour cost per employee, by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section
12.2 |
FOM111B - Average monthly labour cost per employee, by industry activities, CANE Rev.1 division
12.3 |
FOM111C - Average monthly labour cost per employee, by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division
12.4 |
FOM112A - The structure of labour cost by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.1 section
12.5 |
FOM112B - The structure of labour cost by industry activities, CANE Rev.1 division
12.6 |
FOM112C - The structure of labour cost by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division
12.7 |
FOM113A - Average hourly labour cost per employee, by economic activities at level of CANE Rev.2 section and division
12.8 |
FOM120A - Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics
12.9 |
LCI101A - The percentage change of the quarterly labour cost hourly index, as against the previous quarter, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, unadjusted series
12.10 |
LCI101B - The percentage change of the quarterly labour cost hourly index, as against the previous quarter, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, adjusted series by working days effect
12.11 |
LCI101C - The percentage change of the quarterly labour cost hourly index, as against the previous quarter, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, adjusted series by seasonal and working days effect
12.12 |
LCI101D - The percentage change of the quarterly labour cost hourly index, as against the same quarter of the previous year, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, unadjusted series
12.13 |
LCI101E - The percentage change of the quarterly labour cost hourly index, as against the same quarter of the previous year, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, adjusted series by working days effect
12.14 |
LCI101F - The percentage change of the quarterly labour cost hourly index, as against the same quarter of the previous year, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, adjusted series by seasonal and working days effect
12.15 |
LCI101G - The quarterly labour cost hourly index, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, unadjusted series
12.16 |
LCI101H - The quarterly labour cost hourly index, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, adjusted series by working days effect
12.17 |
LCI101I - The quarterly labour cost hourly index, by CANE Rev.2 economic activity, adjusted series by seasonal and working days effect
13.1 |
LMV101A - Vacancies rate by macroregions, development regions, activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section
13.2 |
LMV101B - Vacancies rate by macroregions, development regions, activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section
13.3 |
LMV101C - Vacancies rate by macroregions, development regions, groups of occupations (ISCO-88)
13.4 |
LMV101D - Vacancies rate by macroregions, development regions, groups of occupations (ISCO-08)
13.5 |
LMV102A - Vacancies by macroregions, development regions, activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section
13.6 |
LMV102B - Vacancies by macroregions, development regions, activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section
13.7 |
LMV102C - Vacancies by macroregions, development regions, groups of occupations (ISCO-88)
13.8 |
LMV102D - Vacancies by macroregions, development regions, groups of occupations (ISCO-08)
14.1 |
FPC101A - Enterprises that offered coutinuing vocational training by activites of national economy and activities of industry, by categories of units
14.2 |
FPC101B - Enterprises that offered coutinuing vocational training, by size classes and categories of units
14.3 |
FPC101C - Enterprises that offered countinuing vocationl training, by ownership type and categories of units
14.4 |
FPC102A - Participants to continuing vocational training courses by gender and by national economic activities
14.5 |
FPC102B - Participants to continuing vocational training courses by gender and size classes of enterprises
14.6 |
FPC102C - Participants to continuing vocational training, by gender and ownership type
14.7 |
FPC103A - Average duration of continuing vocational courses by sex and national economic activities
14.8 |
FPC103B - Average duration of continuing vocational courses by sex and size classes of enterprises
14.9 |
FPC103C - Average duration of continuing vocational courses by sex and ownership type
14.10 |
FPC104A - Cost of continuing vocational training by components and national economic activities
14.11 |
FPC104B - Cost of continuing vocational training by components and size classes of enterprises
14.12 |
FPC104C - Cost of continuing vocational training by components and ownership type
14.13 |
FPC104D - Cost of continuing vocational training courses by components and national economic activities
14.14 |
FPC104E - Cost of continuing vocational training courses by components and size classes of enterprises
14.15 |
FPC104F - Cost of continuing vocational training courses by components and ownership type
14.16 |
FPC105A - Global rate of participation for employees from all entreprises to continuing vocational training courses, by national economic activities and gender
14.17 |
FPC105B - Global rate of participation for employees from all entreprises to continuing vocational training courses, by size classes and gender
14.18 |
FPC105C - Global rate of participation for employees from all enterprises to continuing vocational training courses, by ownership type and gender
14.19 |
FPC105D - Rate of participation for employees from all enterprises to continuing vocational training, by national economic activities and gender
14.20 |
FPC105E - Rate of participation for employees from all enterprises to continuing vocational training, by size classes and gender
14.21 |
FPC105F - Rate of participation for employees from all enterprises to continuing vocational training, by ownership type and gender
14.22 |
FPC105G - Rate of participation for employees from all enterprises to continuing vocational training, by national economic activities and age group
14.23 |
FPC105H - Rate of participation for employees from all enterprises to continuing vocational training, by size classes and age group
14.24 |
FPC105I - Rate of participation for employees from all enterprises to continuing vocational training, by ownership type and age group
14.25 |
FPC106A - Distribution of training time spent on continuing vocational training courses by activities of national economy and by fields of training
14.26 |
FPC106B - Distribution of training time spent on continuing vocational training courses by size classes and by fields of training
14.27 |
FPC106C - Distribution of training time spent on continuing vocational training courses by ownership type and by fields of training
14.28 |
FPC107A - Enterprises that offered initial vocational training by activites of national economy and activities of industry, by categories of units
14.29 |
FPC107B - Enterprises that offered initial vocational training, by size classes and categories of units
14.30 |
FPC107C - Enterprises that offered initial vocational training, by ownership type and categories of units