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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from SOCIAL PROTECTION Press releases
1.1 SOM102A - Annual expenditures to unemployed social protection by expenditure categories, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.2 SOM105A - Unemployment benefits-monthly average  
1.3 SOM106A - Public expenditure on labour market, by expenditure category and type of public interventions  
2.1 PNS101A - Yearly average number of pensioners by system of retirement  
2.2 PNS101B - Average number of state social ensurance pensioners by level of pension, at the end of the year  
2.3 PNS101D - Quarterly/ yearly average number of pensioners by type of social ensurance, macroregions, development regions and counties  
2.4 PNS101E - Quarterly/ yearly average number of pensioners by system of retirement  
2.5 PNS101F - Quarterly / yearly average number of pensioners by system of retires and type of social ensurance  
3.1 PNS102A - Monthly average pension by retirement system  
3.2 PNS102D - Monthly average pension for social ensurance and agriculture pensioners ensurance, by macroregions, development regions and counties, quarterly and yearly  
3.3 PNS102E - Monthly average pension of pensioners by type of retirement sistem, quarterly and yearly  
3.4 PNS102F - Monthly average pension of pensioners by type of retire system and type of social ensurance, quarterly and yearly  
3.5 PNS103A - Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance  
3.6 PNS103B - Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance, by spa  
3.7 PNS106A - Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners, including pensions granted from M.Ap., M.A.I., S.R.I  
4.1 ASS101A - Under age persons with deficiencies from special assistence units by types of units, end of year  
4.2 ASS102A - Special needs educational units (at the beginning of the school year)  
4.3 ASS103A - Under age deficiency persons from special needs education, by types of educational units  
4.4 ASS103B - Under age persons from special needs education, by level of education and ages  
4.5 ASS104A - Beneficiaries from the protection system of children at risk  
4.6 ASS104B - Number of children from placement centers by age groups (end of year)  
4.7 ASS106A - Placement centres for protection of children at risk, by types of units  
4.8 ASS113A - Centres for adults assistence by type of units-at the end of the year  
4.9 ASS113B - Hostels for elderly persons - end of year  
4.10 ASS113C - Hostels for elderly persons, under local councils subordination macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.11 ASS113D - Homes for elderly people, managed by private providers on macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.12 ASS113E - Hostels for elderly persons subordinated to county councils macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.13 ASS113F - Total number of licensed social services units functioning at the end of the year  
4.14 ASS114A - Adults assisted in specialised centres by type of units  
4.15 ASS114B - Adult persons taken care of in special assistence centres of national authority for disabled people,by type of deficiency, at the end of the year  
4.16 ASS115A - Staff in centres for adults assistence by type of units and staff categories, at the end of the year  
4.17 ASS116A - Expenditures for special protection of non-institutionalized persons with disabilities by type of special protection  
4.18 ASS117A - Beneficiaries of money rights for social assistance at the end of the year  
4.19 ASS117B - Provisions for disabled persons macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.20 ASS117C - Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.21 ASS118A - Social assistance benefits and services - paid amounts  
4.22 ASS118B - State allowance for children, macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.23 ASS118C - Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.24 ASS118D - Allowance for family support macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.25 ASS118E - Subsidies for associations and foundations macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.26 ASS118F - Social allowances assuring the minimum guaranteed income macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.27 ASS119A - Public social benefit canteens,1 January to 31 December on macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.28 ASS119B - Private social care canteens,1 January to 31 December on macroregions, development regions and counties  
4.29 ASS122A - Income and expenditure of social protection  
4.30 ASS122B - Expenditure of social protection, by category of expenditure and by functions of social protection  
4.31 ASS122C - Weight of expenditure within each function of social bebefit, in total expenditure of social benefits and in gross domestic product  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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