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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Press releases
1.1 CON1080 - Employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 and by professional status - ESA 95 - ARHIVA A1995 - A2011  
1.2 CON108A - Employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.1 and by professional status  
1.3 CON108B - Employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 and by professional status - ESA 95  
1.4 CON108C - Employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 and by professional status - ESA 2010  
1.5 CON1090 - Hours worked by employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 and by status of employment - ESA95 - ARHIVA - A1995 - A2011  
1.6 CON109A - Hours worked by employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.1 and by status of employment  
1.7 CON109B - Hours worked by employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 and by status of employment - ESA95  
1.8 CON109C - Hours worked by employment, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 and by status of employment - ESA 2010  
1.9 CON110A - Labour productivity, by employed person, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.1  
1.10 CON110B - Labour productivity, by employed person, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2  
1.11 CON110C - Labour productivity per hour worked by activities of national economy CANE Rev.1  
1.12 CON110D - Labour productivity per hour worked by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2  
1.13 CON110E - Labour productivity, by employed person, by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 - ESA 2010  
1.14 CON110F - Labour productivity per hour worked by activities of national economy CANE Rev.2 - ESA 2010  
2.1 CON107A - The main aggregates per inhabitant - ESA 95, current prices  
2.2 CON107B - The main aggregates per inhabitant - ESA 2010, current prices  
3.1 CON101A - Input-Output table, balance resources-uses by products - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1  
3.2 CON101B - GDP - production approach - current prices - ESA 95  
3.3 CON101C - GDP - expenditure approach - current prices - ESA 95  
3.4 CON101D - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1  
3.5 CON101E - Input-Output table, balance resources-uses by products - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1  
3.6 CON101F - GDP - production approach - constant prices - ESA 95  
3.7 CON101G - GDP - expenditure approach - constant prices - ESA 95  
3.8 CON101H - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - constant prices - ESA 1995 - CANE Rev.1  
3.9 CON101I - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1  
3.10 CON101J - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1  
3.11 CON101K - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1  
3.12 CON101L - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1  
3.13 CON101M - GDP - income approach - current prices - ESA 95  
3.14 CON101N - Input-Output table, balance resources-uses by products - current prices - ESA 79  
3.15 CON101O - GDP - production approach - current prices - ESA 79  
3.16 CON101P - GDP - expenditure approach - current prices - ESA 79  
3.17 CON101Q - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - current prices - SEC 79  
3.18 CON101R - Input-Output table, balance resources-uses by products - constant prices - ESA 79  
3.19 CON101S - GDP - production approach - constant prices - ESA 79  
3.20 CON101T - GDP - expenditure approach - constant prices - SEC 79  
3.21 CON101U - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - constant prices - SEC 79  
3.22 CON101V - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - SEC 79  
3.23 CON101W - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - SEC 79  
3.24 CON101X - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - SEC 79  
3.25 CON101Y - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - SEC 79  
3.26 CON101Z - GDP - income approach - current prices - SEC 79  
3.27 CON105A - Input-Output table, balance resources-uses by products - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.28 CON105D - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.29 CON105E - Input - Output table, balance resources-uses by products - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.30 CON105H - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.31 CON105I - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.32 CON105J - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.33 CON105K - Input - Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.34 CON105L - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.2  
3.35 CON111A - Input-Output table, balance resources-uses by products - current prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.36 CON111B - GDP - production approach - current prices - ESA 2010  
3.37 CON111C - GDP - expenditure approach - current prices - ESA 2010  
3.38 CON111D - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - current prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.39 CON111E - Input - Output table, balance resources-uses by products - constant prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.40 CON111F - GDP - production approach - constant prices - ESA 2010  
3.41 CON111G - GDP - expenditure approach - constant prices - ESA 2010  
3.42 CON111H - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - constant prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.43 CON111I - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.44 CON111J - Input-Output table, production account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.45 CON111K - Input - Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - current prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.46 CON111L - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 2010 - CANE Rev.2  
3.47 CON111M - GDP - income approach - current prices - ESA 2010  
4.1 CON102A - Integrated economic accounts table by categories of uses, current prices - ESA 79  
4.2 CON102B - Integrated economic accounts table by categories of resources, current prices - ESA 79  
4.3 CON102C - Integrated economic accounts table by categories of uses and resources, current prices - ESA 95  
4.4 CON102D - Integrated economic accounts table by categories of uses and resources, current prices - ESA 2010  
4.5 CON112A - Quarterly sector accounts by categories of uses and resources and by transactions, unadjusted data, current prices - ESA2010  
5.1 CON103A - Regional gross domestic product (RGDP) - current prices, calculated according NACE Rev.1  
5.2 CON103B - Regional gross domestic product (RGDP) per inhabitant - current prices, calculated according NACE Rev.1  
5.3 CON103C - GDP by macroregions, development regions and countries, calculated according NACE Rev.1  
5.4 CON103D - Regional gross domestic product (RGDP) - current prices, calculated according CANE Rev.2  
5.5 CON103E - Regional gross domestic product (RGDP) per inhabitant - current prices, calculated according CANE Rev.2  
5.6 CON103F - GDP by macroregions, development regions and countries, calculated according CANE Rev.2  
5.7 CON103G - Regional gross domestic product (RGDP) - current prices, calculated according NACE Rev.2 - ESA 2010  
5.8 CON103H - Regional gross domestic product (RGDP) per inhabitant - current prices calculated according NACE Rev.2 - ESA 2010  
5.9 CON103I - GDP by macroregions, development regions and countries - calculated according NACE Rev.2 - ESA 2010  
5.10 CON116A - Compensation of employees by activity NACE Rev.2, at the macroregions and development regions level (current prices)  
5.11 CON117A - Gross fixed capital formation by activity NACE Rev.2, at the macroregions and development regions level (current prices)  
5.12 CON118A - Total employment and employees by activity NACE Rev.2, at the macroregions, development regions and counties level (current prices)  
5.13 CON119A - Hours worked by total employment and employees by activity NACE Rev.2, at the macroregions and development regions level (current prices)  
5.14 CON120A - Regional accounts of the household by categories of uses and resources, categories of accounts and transactions, macroregions and development regions level (current prices)  
6.1 CON104A - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.1, curent prices  
6.2 CON104B - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.1, average prices of the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.3 CON104C - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.1, volume indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.4 CON104D - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.1, price indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.5 CON104E - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.1, average prices of 2000  
6.6 CON104F - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.1, volume indices - % as against 2000  
6.7 CON104G - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.1, price indices - % as against 2000  
6.8 CON104H - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, curent prices  
6.9 CON104I - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, average prices of 2000  
6.10 CON104J - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against the previous quarter  
6.11 CON104K - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, price indices - % as against the previous quarter  
6.12 CON104L - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against 2000  
6.13 CON104M - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, price indices - % as against 2000  
6.14 CON104N - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.15 CON104O - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series CANE Rev.2, price indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.16 CON104P - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, curent prices  
6.17 CON104Q - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, average prices of 2020  
6.18 CON104R - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against the previous quarter  
6.19 CON104S - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, price indices - % as against the previous quarter  
6.20 CON104T - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against 2020  
6.21 CON104U - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, price indices - % as against 2020  
6.22 CON104V - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.23 CON104W - Quarterly gross domestic product - seasonally adjusted series NACE Rev.2, price indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.24 CON106A - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.2, curent prices  
6.25 CON106B - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.2, average prices of the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.26 CON106C - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.27 CON106D - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.2, price indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.28 CON106E - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.2, average prices of 2000  
6.29 CON106F - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against 2000  
6.30 CON106G - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series CANE Rev.2, price indices - % as against 2000  
6.31 CON106H - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2, curent prices  
6.32 CON106I - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2, average prices of the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.33 CON106J - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.34 CON106K - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2, price indices - % as against the corresponding quarter of the previous year  
6.35 CON106L - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2, average prices of 2020  
6.36 CON106M - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2, volume indices - % as against 2020  
6.37 CON106N - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2, price indices - % as against 2020  
6.38 CON106O - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2,  
6.39 CON106P - Quarterly gross domestic product - unadjusted series NACE Rev.2,  
7.1 CON113A - Cross classification of gross fixed assets by industry and by asset, in current replacement costs  
7.2 CON113B - Cross classification of gross fixed assets by industry and by asset, in previous year replacement costs  
7.3 CON113C - Cross classification of net fixed assets by industry and by asset, in current replacement costs  
7.4 CON113D - Cross classification of net fixed assets by industry and by asset, in previous year replacement costs  
7.5 CON114A - Cross classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by fixed asset, in current prices  
7.6 CON114B - Cross classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by fixed asset, in previous year prices  
7.7 CON115A - Balance sheets for non-financial assets (by institutional sectors), in current prices  

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Project funded
by the EU
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