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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, INNOVATION Press releases
1.1 CDP101A - Units with research - development activity, by sectors of performance and type of ownership at the end of year  
1.2 CDP101B - Units with research - development activity, by sectors of performance at the end of year  
2.1 CDP102A - Employees from research - development units, by sectors of performance and type of ownership at the end of year  
2.2 CDP102B - Employees from research - development activity by ocuppation and sex at the end of year  
2.3 CDP102C - Researchers from reasearch-devolpment activity by age group at the end of the year  
2.4 CDP102D - Researchers from reasearch-devolpment activity by scientific field at the end of the year  
2.5 CDP102E - Employees from research - development activity, by macroregions, development region and counties, at the end of year  
2.6 CDP102F - Employees from research - development units, by sectors of performance and sex, at the end of year  
2.7 CDP102G - Employees from research - development activity, by training level and sex, at the end of year  
2.8 CDP102H - Researchers from reasearch-devolpment activity by age group at the end of the year  
2.9 CDP102I - Employees from research - development activity, by sectors of performance and training level, according to international standard classification o education (ISCED)  
2.10 CDP103A - Employees from research - development activity (in full time equivalent), by sectors of performance and ocuppations  
2.11 CDP103B - Employees from research - development activity (in full time equivalent) in enterprises sector, by ocuppation and activities CANE Rev.1  
2.12 CDP103C - Employees from research - development activity (in full time equivalent), by sectors of performance and training level  
2.13 CDP103D - Employees from research - development activity (in full time equivalent) in enterprises sector, by training level and activities CANE Rev.1  
2.14 CDP103E - Employees from research - development activity (in full time equivalent), by macroregions, development regions and counties at the end of year  
2.15 CDP103F - Employees from research - development activity (in full time equivalent) in enterprises sector, by ocuppation and activities CANE Rev.2  
2.16 CDP103G - Employees from research - development activity (in full time equivalent) in enterprises sector, by training level and activities CANE Rev.2  
3.1 CDP104A - Expenditure from research-development activity by sectors of performance and expenditure category-current prices  
3.2 CDP104B - Total expenditure from research-development activity by macroregions, development regions and counties - current prices  
3.3 CDP104C - Total expenditure from research-development activity by sectors of performance and expenditure category - current prices  
3.4 CDP104D - Total expenditure from research-development activity in enterprise sector by execution sector and activities CANE Rev.1 - current prices  
3.5 CDP104E - Total expenditure from research-development activity by sectors of performance and financing sources - current prices  
3.6 CDP104F - Total expenditure from research-development activity by type of research programmes , according to NABS and financing sources- current prices  
3.7 CDP104G - Total expenditure from research-development activity by sectors of performance and type of research-current prices  
3.8 CDP104H - Total expenditure from research-development activity in enterprise sector by execution sector and activities CANE Rev.2 - current prices  
3.9 CDP104I - Total expenditure from research-development activity by type of research programmes , according to NABS 2007 and financing sources- current prices  
4.1 CDP105A - Projects for Research&Development activity, according to NABS  
5.1 INO101A - Typology of innovators  
5.2 INO101B - Innovative enterprises, by activity and size class  
5.3 INO101C - Innovative and non-innovative enterprises, by activity, size-class, by macroregions and development regions  
5.4 INO101D - Turnover of innovative enterprises, by activity and size-class  
5.5 INO101E - Average number of employees of innovative enterprises, by activity and size class  
5.6 INO101F - Weight of innovative and non-innovative enterprises, by location of sell goods market, in total enterprises, by activity and size class  
5.7 INO101G - Weight of innovative and non-innovative enterprises, which are part of an enterprise group, in total enterprises, by activity and size class  
6.1 INO102A - Innovative enterprises, by type of innovators, activity, size class, by macroregions and development regions  
6.2 INO102B - Innovative enterprises (Successful innovators), by type of innovations, activity and size class  
6.3 INO102C - Weight of enterprises with product and/or process innovation which indicated high importance of selected sources of information for innovation, in total innovative enterprises, by activity, size class and type of source  
6.4 INO102D - Weight of innovative enterprises involved in cooperation, in total innovative enterprises, by activity, size class, geographic location and type of partner  
6.5 INO102E - Weight of enterprises with product and/or process innovation which indicated highly important objectives for innovation, in total innovative enterprises, by activity, size class and type of objective  
6.6 INO102F - Weight of innovative enterprises which received public funds, in total innovative enterprises, by activity, size class and type of fund  
6.7 INO102G - Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation, in total turnover of enterprises, by activity and size class  
6.8 INO102H - Weight of innovative enterprises, by location of development innovation, in total enterprises, by activity and size class  
6.9 INO102I - Weight of innovative enterprises by specific type of innovation, in total enterprises, by activity and size class  
6.10 INO103A - Innovation expenditures of innovative enterprises, by activity, size class and component elements  
7.1 INO104A - Weight of innovative enterprises with organisation and marketing innovation, in total enterprises, by activity and size class  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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