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TEMPO - HOME >>> ENTERPRISES Press releases
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1.1 INT101A - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.2 INT101B - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 division and size classes based on number of employees  
1.3 INT101C - Private enterpreneurs, by activity and type  
1.4 INT101D - Enterprises with financial, banking and isurance activity CANE Rev.1, by ownership  
1.5 INT101E - Public administration intitutions, by type  
1.6 INT101F - Private administration organisations, by type  
1.7 INT101G - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.8 INT101H - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 division, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.9 INT101I - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 group, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.10 INT101J - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 classes, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.11 INT101K - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 group and size classes based on number of employees  
1.12 INT101L - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 classes and size classes based on number of employees  
1.13 INT101M - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 subsection and size classes based on number of employees  
1.14 INT101N - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 subsection, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.15 INT101O - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.16 INT101P - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 division and size classes based on number of employees  
1.17 INT101R - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.18 INT101S - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 division, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.19 INT101T - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 group, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.20 INT101U - Active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 classes, size classes of number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.21 INT101V - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 group and size classes based on number of employees  
1.22 INT101W - Active enterprises, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 classes and size classes based on number of employees  
1.23 INT101X - Enterprises with financial, banking and isurance activity CAEN Rev.2, by ownership  
1.24 INT101Y - Private enterpreneurs, by type of enterpreneurs, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.25 INT102C - Staff of the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section, by size class and by number of employees, macroregions and development regions and counties  
1.26 INT102D - Staff of the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section, by size class and by number of persons employed, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.27 INT104B - Turnover from the active local units, by activity types CANE Rev.1, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services-number of employees and by type of ownership, current prices  
1.28 INT104C - Turnover from the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 sections, by size class and by number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties, current prices  
1.29 INT104D - Turnover from the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 sections, by size class and by number of persons employed, macroregions, development regions and counties, current prices  
1.30 INT104E - Turnover from the active local units, by activity types CANE Rev.2, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of persons employed and by type of ownership, current prices  
1.31 INT105A - Gross investments for tangible goods from the active local units, by activity types CANE Rev.1, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of employees and type of ownership, current prices  
1.32 INT105B - Gross investments for tangible goods from the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section, by size class and by the number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.33 INT105C - Net investments from the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section, by size class and by number of employees, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.34 INT105D - Gross investments for tangible goods from the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section, by size class and by the number of persons employed, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.35 INT105E - Net investments from the active local units, by activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section, by size class and by number of persons employed, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.36 INT105F - Gross investments for tangible goods from the active local units, by activity types CANE Rev.2, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of persons employed and type of ownership, current prices  
1.37 INT106A - Gross exports, by activity types CANE Rev.1, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of employees and type of ownership, current prices  
1.38 INT106B - Gross exports, by activity types CANE Rev.2, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of persons employed and type of ownership, current prices  
1.39 INT107A - Gross value added for the factors cost, by activity types CANE Rev.1, size class - enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of employees and type of ownership, current prices  
1.40 INT107B - Gross value added for the factors cost, by activity types CANE Rev.2, size class - enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of persons employed and type of ownership, current prices  
1.41 INT108A - Gross result of exercise, by activity types CANE Rev.1, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of employees and type of ownership, current prices  
1.42 INT108B - Gross result of exercise, by activity types CANE Rev.2, size class-enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services - by number of persons employed and type of ownership, current prices  
1.43 INT109A - Main economic and financial indicators for enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services, by CANE Rev.1 activity and size class  
1.44 INT109B - Main economic and financial indicators for enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services, by CANE Rev.1 activity and type of ownership  
1.45 INT109C - Main economic and financial indicators for enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services, by CANE Rev.2 activity and size class  
1.46 INT109D - Main economic and financial indicators for enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services, by CANE Rev.2 activity and type of ownership  
1.47 INT109E - Main economic and financial consolidated indicators for enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services, by CANE Rev.2 activity  
2.1 INT110A - Active enterprises, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by legal form  
2.2 INT110B - Active enterprises, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by size class  
2.3 INT110C - Active enterprises having at least one employee, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by legal form  
2.4 INT110D - Active enterprises having at least one employee, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by size class  
2.5 INT1110 - Enterprises having the first employee, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by size class  
2.6 INT111A - Newly created enterprises, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by legal form  
2.7 INT111B - Newly created enterprises, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by size class  
2.8 INT111C - Newly created active enterprises, creation rate, by development regions and GDP per capita  
2.9 INT111D - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by type of unit and development regions  
2.10 INT111E - Average employement of newly created active enterprises, by type of unit and development regions  
2.11 INT111F - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by method of creation and development region  
2.12 INT111G - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by size class and development regions  
2.13 INT111H - Share of the number of employees, by enterprise size class and development regions  
2.14 INT111I - Share of the number of employees, by type of employment and development regions  
2.15 INT111J - Distributin of newly created active enterprises, by number of local units and development regions  
2.16 INT111K - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by headquarters of activity and development regions  
2.17 INT111L - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by urban/ rural area and development regions  
2.18 INT111M - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by type of region  
2.19 INT111N - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by sector of activity and development regions  
2.20 INT111O - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by number of activities and development regions  
2.21 INT111P - Share of labour fource of newly active created enerprises with foreign capital participation, by development regions  
2.22 INT111Q - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by levels of difficulty in obtaining trade contracts and development regions  
2.23 INT111R - Distribution of newly created active enterprises with supply difficulties, by type of difficulty and development regions  
2.24 INT111S - Distribution of newly created active enterprises with demand difficulties, by type of difficulty and development regions  
2.25 INT111T - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by age of founder/manager and development regions  
2.26 INT111U - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by sex of the founder/manager and development regions  
2.27 INT111V - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by educational background of founder/manager and development regions  
2.28 INT111W - Distribution of newly created active enterprises, by previous socio-professional category of the founder/manager and development regions  
2.29 INT111X - Share of newly created active enterprises having invested during first year of activity, by development regions  
2.30 INT111Y - Status of newly created active enterprises after first year from creation by development regions  
2.31 INT111Z - Enterprises having the first employee, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by legal form  
2.32 INT112A - Newly born enterprises having survived, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by size class  
2.33 INT112B - Newly born enterprises having survived and having at least one employee, with breakdown by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by size class  
2.34 INT113A - Dead enterprises with breakdown, by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by legal form  
2.35 INT113B - Dead enterprises with breakdown, by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by size class  
2.36 INT113C - Enterprises having no employees anymore with breakdown, by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by legal form  
2.37 INT113D - Enterprises having no employees anymore with breakdown, by activity of national economy at CANE Rev.2 level and by legal form  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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