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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from INTERNATIONAL TRADE Press releases
1.1 EXP101A - Export value (FOB) - Total  
1.2 EXP101B - Export value (FOB) on partner countries  
1.3 EXP101C - Export value (FOB) on sections according to SITC Rev.3  
1.4 EXP101D - Export value (FOB) on EU Member States and by section acording to the combined nomenclature (CN)  
1.5 EXP101E - Export value (FOB) according to CN sections and chapters, total, of which European Union  
1.6 EXP101F - Export value (FOB) on CN group of goods  
1.7 EXP101G - Export value (FOB) on sections according to SITC Rev.4  
1.8 EXP101I - Exports (FOB) by sections according to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Rev.4, by Total, Intra-EU, Extra-EU - monthly data  
1.9 EXP101J - Exports (FOB) by counties and by sections/ chapters of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) - monthly data  
1.10 EXP101K - Top 100 companies for export (for total export, intra-community export, extra-community export), by chapters of the Combined Nomenclature (CN2)  
1.11 EXP101L - Top 100 companies for export (for total export, intra-community export, extra-community export), by partner countries  
1.12 EXP101M - Exports (FOB), by main mode of transport  
1.13 EXP101N - The share of the total exports of the first exporting companies, according to their export values recorded during the reference period  
1.14 EXP101O - Exporting companies by size class according to number of employees  
1.15 EXP101P - Exporting companies by form of ownership  
1.16 EXP101R - Exporting companies by type of capital  
1.17 EXP101S - Exporting companies by main activity sectors - NACE Rev.2  
1.18 EXP102A - Import value (CIF) - Total  
1.19 EXP102B - Import value (CIF) on sections according to SITC Rev.3  
1.20 EXP102C - Import value (CIF) on EU Member States and CN sections  
1.21 EXP102D - Import value (CIF) according to CN sections and chapters, total, of which European Union  
1.22 EXP102E - Import value (CIF) on countries of origin  
1.23 EXP102F - Import value (CIF) on CN group of goods  
1.24 EXP102G - Import value (CIF) by partner countries (country of dispatch for Intra-EU arrivals and country of origin for Extra-EU imports)  
1.25 EXP102H - Import value (CIF) on sections according to SITC Rev.4  
1.26 EXP102I - Imports (CIF) by sections according to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Rev.4, by Total, Intra-EU, Extra-EU - monthly data  
1.27 EXP102J - Imports (CIF) by counties and by sections/chapters of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) - monthly data  
1.28 EXP102K - Top 100 companies for import (for total import, intra-community import, extra-community import), by chapters of the Combined Nomenclature (CN2)  
1.29 EXP102L - Top 100 companies for import (for total import, intra-community import, extra-community import), by partner countries  
1.30 EXP102M - Imports (CIF) by main mode of transport  
1.31 EXP102N - The share of the total imports of the first importing companies, according to their import values recorded during the reference period  
1.32 EXP102O - Importing companies by size class according to number of employees  
1.33 EXP102P - Importing companies by form of ownership  
1.34 EXP102R - Importing companies by type of capital  
1.35 EXP102S - Importing companies by main activity sectors - NACE Rev.2  
1.36 EXP103A - The overall trade balance FOB / FOB  
1.37 EXP103B - The overall trade balance FOB/CIF  
1.38 EXP104A - Value indices of international trade (previous year = 100)  
1.39 EXP105A - Unit value indices for export and imports  
1.40 TEC101A - Enterprises by age and growth rate  
1.41 TEC101B - Enterprises by age and group status (dependent / independent)  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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