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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from JUSTICE
1.1 JUS101A - Judges  
1.2 JUS102A - Actions witch entered the courts, by categories of actions  
1.3 JUS103A - Criminal and civil cases which are to be solved by a judge  
1.4 JUS104A - Persons who received a final conviction by means of a court decision, by gender  
1.5 JUS104B - Underage persons who received a final conviction, by type of penalty  
1.6 JUS104C - Persons who received a final conviction, by macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.7 JUS104D - Persons who received a final conviction, by category of crime  
1.8 JUS104E - Adults who received a final conviction, by type of sentence  
1.9 JUS104F - Repeat offenders who received a final conviction by means of a court decision  
1.10 JUS104G - Persons who received a final conviction, by type of crime, urban/ rural area  
1.11 JUS105A - Persons who received a final conviction and who are in penitentiaries and educational centers, by length of the sentences (end of year)  
1.12 JUS105B - Persons who received a final conviction/sanction and who are in penitentiaries (end of year)  
1.13 JUS105C - Persons who received a final conviction/sanction and who are in penitentiaries (including detention centres and educational centers), by counties and localities (end of year)  
1.14 JUS106A - Persons who received a final conviction/sanction and who are in educational centers (end of year)  
1.15 JUS107A - Crime rate by macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.16 JUS107B - Crime rate by macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.17 JUS108A - Civil disputes which entered the courts by type of civil litigations  
1.18 JUS109A - Offences solved by the police and offences solved by the Prosecutor's Office after the police declined its jurisdiction, development regions and counties  
1.19 JUS109B - Offences solved by the police and offences solved by the Prosecutor's Office after the police declined its jurisdiction by category of offences  
1.20 JUS109C - Persons investigated by the police, urban/ rural area and category of persons  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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