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TEMPO - HOME >>> ENVIRONMENT Press releases
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1.1 PMI101A - Protected areas  
1.2 PMI102A - Annual water resources provided according to type of arrangement by water source and basin  
1.3 PMI103A - Surface water quality by hydrographic basins and categories of quality  
1.4 PMI104A - Tree defoliation by main species and at all ages by defoliation class  
1.5 PMI105A - Environmental protection expenditures, by CANE Rev.2 activities and types of expenditure  
1.6 PMI105B - Environmental protection expenditures, by CANE Rev.2 activities and evironmental domains  
1.7 PMI106A - Environment protection expenditure by activity sector, expenditure category and producer category  
1.8 PMI106B - Environmental protection expenditures, by CANE Rev.1 activities and types of expenditure  
1.9 PMI106C - Environmental protection expenditures, by CANE Rev.1 activities and evironmental domains  
1.10 PMI106D - Environmental protection output, by producer category  
1.11 PMI107A - Waste quantities generated, recovered, disposed, by economic activity  
1.12 PMI107B - Waste quantities generated, recovered, disposed, by economic activity CANE Rev.2  
1.13 PMI108A - Quantities of collected, recovered and disposed municipal waste by macroregions and development regions  
1.14 PMI108B - Quantities of collected, recovered and disposed municipal waste, by type of waste, at national level  
1.15 PMI109A - Population connected to waste water collecting systems and waste water treatment plants, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.16 PMI109B - Population connected to public water supply, macroregions, development regions and counties  
1.17 PMI109C - Population connected to waste water collecting systems and waste water treatment plants, counties and localities  
1.18 PMI109D - Population connected to public water supply, counties and localities  
1.19 PMI110A - Wastewater generation by activity sectors  
1.20 PMI110B - Wastewater collection and discharge by type of collecting systems  
1.21 PMI111A - Number of Wastewater treatment plant stages by type of plants  
1.22 PMI111B - Wastewater treatment plant capacity in terms of BOD5  
1.23 PMI111C - Daily flow of wastewater treatment plants by type of plants  
1.24 PMI111D - Sludge resulted from wastewater treatment plants  
1.25 PMI112A - Water abstraction by sources and economic activities  
1.26 PMI113A - Wide economy material flow accounts  
1.27 PMI114A - Air Pollutant Emissions Accounts  
1.28 PMI114B - Air Pollutant Emissions Accounts, by CANE Rev.1 activities  
1.29 PMI114C - Air Pollutant Emissions Accounts, by CANE Rev.2 activities  
1.30 PMI115A - Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS), by NACE Rev.2 activities and environmental domains  
1.31 PMI115B - Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS), by NACE Rev.2 activities and environmental domains  
1.32 PMI116A - Environmental taxes by economic activities NACE Rev.2  
1.33 PMI117A - Environmental protection expenditure account by economics characteristics and by environmental domains  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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