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TEMPO - time series: please select a matrix from CIRCULAR ECONOMY
 1. Gradually transition to a new development model based on the rational and responsible use of resources by introducing elements of the circular economy and drawing up a road map
1.1 ECC101A - Environment - Material resource productivity  
1.2 ECC102A - Environment - Natural resource productivity  
1.3 ECC103A - Environment - Number of employees in the environmental goods and services sector  
1.4 ECC104A - Environment - Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption by sectors  
1.5 ECC105A - Environment - Generation of waste  
1.6 ECC106A - Environment - Material dependency by domestic extraction  
1.7 ECC107A - Environment - Material import dependency  
1.8 ECC108A - Environment - Dependence on the import of critical raw materials (experimental indicator)  
1.9 ECC109A - Environment - Self-sufficiency in critical raw materials (experimental indicator)  
1.10 ECC110A - Environment - Material intensity  
1.11 ECC111A - Environment - Import and export of raw materials  
1.12 ECC112A - Environment - Import and export of recyclable raw materials  
1.13 ECC113A - Environment - Domestic material consumption, by category  
1.14 ECC114A - Economic - Share of gross value added in environmental technologies in GDP  
1.15 ECC115A - Environment - Material footprint  
1.16 ECC116A - Social - Population connected to wastewater collecting systems and wastewater treatment plants, by resident area  
1.17 ECC117A - Environment - Protected natural areas of Romania (surfaces)  
1.18 ECC118A - Social - Population connected to public water supply system in rural area  
 2. Halve per capita food waste at the level of retail and consumption and reduce food waste throughout the production and supply chain, including post-harvest losses
2.1 ECC201A - Environment - Number of recipient operators who have opted to reduce food waste  
 3. Recycle 55% of municipal waste by 2025 and 60% by 2030
3.1 ECC301A - Environment - Municipal waste recycling rate by operations  
3.2 ECC302A - Environment - Generation of municipal waste per capita  
 4. Recycle 65% of packaging waste by 2025 (plastic materials 50%, wood 25%, ferrous metals 70%, aluminium 50%, glass 70%, paper and cardboard 75%) and 70% by 2030 (plastic materials 55%, wood 30%, ferrous metals 80%, aluminium 60%, glass 75%, paper and cardboard 85%)
4.1 ECC401A - Environment - Recycling rate of packaging waste by type of materials in total packaging waste generated  
 5. Implement the separate collection of household hazardous waste by 2022, of biological waste by 2023 and of textile waste by 2025
5.1 ECC501A - Environment - The amount of household waste collected, by categories  
 6. Implement sustainable green public procurement practices in conformity with national priorities and European policy
6.1 ECC601A - Environment - Greenhouse gases emission by economic activities  
6.2 ECC602A - Economic - Projects for Research&Development activity  
6.3 ECC603A - Economic - Units with research - development activity, by sectors of performance at the end of year  
6.4 ECC604A - Social - Tertiary education graduates in the field of science, mathematics, informatics, engineering, production and construction - STE(A)M  

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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