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ADM101A - Administrative organisation of Romanian territory, by administrative units category, macroregions, development regions and counties: Please select the criteria for your query
Types of administrative units Macroregions, development regions and counties Years Measure units

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ADM101A - Administrative organisation of Romanian territory, by administrative units category, macroregions, development regions and counties 
Definition Roumanian territory is divided from administrative viewpoint into: county, municipality, town, commune, village.The capital of Roumania is Bucharest Municipality, and it is organised into administrative sectors. County represents administrative-territorial unit including municipalities, towns and communes - base administrative-territorial units. The counties are organized depending on geographical, economic and socio-political conditions. The county assures socio-cultural and municipal administration developement of the municipalities, towns and communes. The municipality is that town having a larger number of inhabitants, a developed industry, a special importance in the economy, socio-political and cultural-scientific life of the country, an important dwelling stock and municipal administrative endowments, a complex system of education, health and culture. The municipalities, where the prefect office has the residence, are the county towns. The town represents a human settlement which is much more developed from the economic, socio-cultural and municipal administration viewpoint. The commune is the territorial-administrative unit which includes one or several villages comprising rural population, and it is organized according to economic, socio-cultural and geographical conditions. The villages, where the mayor office has the residences, are the commune villages. The village is the smallest administrative-territorial unit.  
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical surveys based on administrative sources
Turning into account the results of statistical surveys carried out within the system of official statistics 
Methodology Legislative framework:
1.Law no.2/16/02/1968 concerning to adminstrative-territorial organisation which stipulated that counties have been reestablished.
2.Decree no. 15/13/01/1981: the Ilfov county have been reorganized as Agricultural County Ilfov which is subordonate to Bucharest Municipality with residence in Balotesti commnune.
3.The Order in Council no.38/1990 is legal framework of Romania administrative-territorial organisation which abrogate the provisions of law no.2/1989.
4.The Law no.24/1996 for modification and completion of Law no.66/1991 of local public administration : the Agricultural County Ilfov will named Ilfov County.
In 1992 data on the area of the country and the counties have been modified , according to the last measurements carried out by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture by its specialisty body: General Direction of Land Fund, Cadastre and Geodesy in collaboration with the Military Topographic direction. 
Last update JAN 22, 2024 
Responsible person Closca Mihaela;;tel. 3181824/1485 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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