AED103A - Persons aged 18-69 years by participation in formal education, non-formal education or informal learning , by sex, urban/rural area, age groups, level of education, current activity status and development regions |
Definition |
Formal education refers to the institutionalized, intentional and planned learning activity that is carried out in schools, high schools, universities, institutes, study academies, doctoral or postdoctoral schools and other pre-university or higher education institutions within the national education system and consists , generally in basic/general education and initial vocational training (the education that precedes the individual's entry into the labor market). Non-formal education refers to any institutionalized, intentional and planned learning activity organized by a vocational education or training provider. The defining feature of this form of education is that it either complements and develops the knowledge, skills and competences acquired through the national education system, or is an alternative to it. Informal learning refers to intentional but less organized and structured education and includes self-directed learning that takes place in the family, workplace, community and everyday life of any person. Informal learning is non-institutionalized. |
Periodicity |
5 - 6 years |
Data sources |
Adult education surveydetails |
Methodology |
Metadata and quality report
Last update |
FEB 15, 2024 |
Observations |
Values computed based on less than 20 sample observations are unreliable and have been suppressed from publication. Due to the rounding of the final decimal part of the survey weights to 5 decimals, there are seldom small differences between some estimated totals at level of various types of tables and what results from the total. |