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AGR101A - Land fund area by usage, ownership form, macroregions, development region and counties: Please select the criteria for your query
Agricultural land fund usage Type of ownership Macroregions, development regions and counties Years MU: Hectares

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AGR101A - Land fund area by usage, ownership form, macroregions, development region and counties 
Definition Land fund it consists of any kind of land, irrespective of its destination, title base of possession or domain (public, private, cooperative, common, etc.) which they belong to.
Land fund by use and by county represents the pieces of land possessed by owners within the administrative range.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Land fund details 
Methodology Land fund - the country's area - consists of arable land , natural pastures and hayfields, wine and fruit plantations, forests and other forest vegetation land, constructions, roads and railways, waters and pounds, other areas.
In 1992 the data regarding the country's and counties areas were changed against the previous years, according to the measurements made by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, by OCOTA, in co-operation with the Direction of Military Typography. The new measurement takes into consideration the relief variations against the previous one, whic was done at sea level.
Last update JUL 06, 2015 
Observations The indicator Others areas in the period 1990-1999 was calculated by subtracting from the total area the following: agricultural area, forests and waters. Beginning with 2000, the data for other areas are assimilated as content with the degraded and unproductive areas.
EXPLANATORY NOTES: In 1991 the Ilfov county was included in the Municipality of Bucharest and the Ilfov agricultural sector. From 1992 until 1997, the Ilfov county also included the Municipality of Bucharest.
Until 1995 we don't have any data regarding the private ownership.
In 1996 and 1997 the private ownership meant the private sector and from 1998 includes: individual households and associations; agricultural commercial societies( L. 31/90) ; agricultural commercial societies ( L. 36/91).
In 1999, the private ownership contains the private majority ownership and the wholly private ownership.
Since 2000 the private ownership contains: the private ownership of the state, of the administrative - territorial units, of the legal and natural persons. In 2000 the indicator: Forests and other forest land does not includes the whole forest vegetation outside the forest fund.
Data series are locked at the level of year 2014, until the completion of the land cadastre country action for the entire country, by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. 
Interruption Last period of this series: Year 2014.
Responsible person Tomulescu V. Maria Gabriela, e-mail:, tel. 0213177796 

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