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AGR201G - Pigstock existent on 1 May, by weight group and economic purpose: Please select the criteria for your query
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AGR201G - Pigstock existent on 1 May, by weight group and economic purpose 
Definition The livestock represents all domestic animals raised for production, breeding and draft.
CATTLE - represent all male and female bulls and buffalos by various age group and economic destination.
COWS AND BUFFALO COWS - females which regardless of their age, weight or production gave birth at least once (dairy cows and buffaloes for breeding).
HEIFERS - females in their first pregnancy and which were diagnosed pregnant by specialised medical examination (heifers for breeding).
PIGS - represent all pigs in agricultural holding (including pigs in maternity, breeding and fattening farms) not matter of sex, weight category and economic destination.
BREEDING SOWS - females having given birth at least once and young sows 48 hours after giving birth, if the born piglets are healthy and if they can nurse their litter properly.
BREEDING YOUNG SOWS - young females aged more than 4 months excluding the young females in breeding farms and for fattening.
SHEEP - represent all animal of sheep species, no matter of sex, age, economic destination and place.
SHEEP AND YOUNG FEMALE SHEEP - females having given birth at least once and young female sheep born in the previous year meant for breeding and which were covered.
SHE-GOATS - all females having given birth at least once.
GOATS - represent all goats no matter of sex, age, economic destination and place.
EQUINES - represent labour horses, stud horses, young horses until 3 years old, other horses used for amusement are not included.
LABOUR EQUINES - all horses meant for agricultural work and draft.
POULTRY - represent all categories of poultry existent in agricultural holding (hens, turkey hens, ducks, geese, pigeons, quails, guinea fowl, other poultry).
ADULT HATCHING POULTRY - birds aged more than 24 weeks for egg production.
BEE FAMILIES - represent number of bee families for honey production.
RABBITS - all domestic rabbits raised for meat, fur and hair.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Sample statistical survey for existing pig to May 1 details 
Last update OCT 18, 2024 
Observations Sample statistical survey for existing pig to May 1, shall be in accordance with Regulation (EC) no. 1165/2008 of the European Parliament and Council of November 19, 2008, the statistics on livestock and meat production, and which applied as of January 1, 2009. 
Continuation This matrix represents a continuation of the AGR201F matrix, containing data up to Year 2008.
Responsible person Dinu Mihaela, e-mail:, tel. 0213181844, int. 2133 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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