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AGR307A - Turnover of the forestry units by product category, macroregions, development regions and counties: Please select the criteria for your query
Forestry product category Macroregions, development regions and counties Years Measure units

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AGR307A - Turnover of the forestry units by product category, macroregions, development regions and counties 
Definition The turnover of the forest unit - represents income from the sale of specific products of the forest fund, from the specialized forest services (excluding VAT) performed within the forest structures and from compensatory amounts, authorizations and tariffs.
Sold products include: wood sold, forest and ornamental seedlings from forest nurseries, other wood products, forest seeds, berry species, edible mushrooms from spontaneous flora, other non-wood products, hunting products, fishery products, bee products (honey) and other sales.
Wood sold - represents the total volume of wood sold on domestic or intra-and extra market by the end of reference year in compliance with the law. Wood can be sold as standing timber, lumber, timbers and other semi-finished wood.
Other wood products include: ornamental trees and shrubs, Christmas trees, osier willow.
Other non-wood products include: medicinal and aromatic plants, refreshing juices.
Hunting products include the meat and fur of the shotdown game, the live game caught, the pheasants raised in preserves, antlers of deer, roebuck.
Fishery products include the consumable trouts (from brooks and preserves), other consumable fish species (from inland waters and artificial ponds), the small fry, the roe (consumable, embryonated), the leases for fish stocks.
Apicultural products sold - include the honey.
Other sales - include values from:
- merchandising of the bocsa charcoal;
- confiscation of the wood to the amount received, exclusively - awards / incentives - according to the legislation in force;
- receipts from Hipica activity;
- agricultural products to be supplied to the various customers;
- granulated food. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical researches on economic activity of the forest units - SILV 2 details 
Methodology Exhaustive statistical survey which uses a combination between statistical sources and administrative data is adressed to forestry units having activities included in NACE under 021 groupe (Sylviculture and other forestry activities).
Up to 2005, the name of the indicator was: Production of the forestry units by product category, development region and counties 
Last update AUG 02, 2024 
Observations Starting with 2005, the money values are expressed in thousand lei (RON).
Between the years 1990 - 1995 all indicators are thousand lei basis.
Starting with 2008 data for accesories indicator are not collected and for osier willow data are included in structure of other wooden products indicator.
Starting with 2010 data are collected only at the national level. 
Responsible person Ghidovet Ana Maria, e-mail:, int. 2474 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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