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AGR308A - Wood volume exploited by economic operators having forestry activity, by components: Please select the criteria for your query
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AGR308A - Wood volume exploited by economic operators having forestry activity, by components 
Definition Volume of wood exploited by economic operators having forestry activity - represents wood for use and wood fuel harvested and collected from the exploited area or from areas affected by accidental products, including the located primary platforms.
Volume of round timber - represents the volume of industrial roundwood and fuel wood and including wood for charcoal.
Volume of bark - represents the volume of bark set up from the volume of wood exploited.
Other secondary assortments - represents the volume of branches, wood residues and technological consumption.
Logs - wood volume used to obtain timber, cross-beams, beams, thin wood laminates for boxes, blocks for classical or stratified parquet, blocks from jointed massive wood plates, staves for barrels and wine casks; roundwood volume for producing technical and aesthetic veneers, by plane cutting or unrolling; volume of high quality roundwood used for musical instruments manufacture (fir/spruce/beech wood and diverse species).
Logs for sawn timber - represents the volume of logs to be processed in sawn timber and other items obtained by cutting.
Logs for venner - represents the volume of logs to be processed in decorative or technical veneers obtained by plane cutting or winding off.
Logs for resonance - represents the volume of logs to be processed in view to produce musical instruments; the wood is characterised by a specific fine structure for resonance purpose.
Round and split wood - wood volume used for cellulose manufacture; wood volume used for particle board and fibreboard production.
Pulpwood - represents the volume of wood to be processed into pulp.
Wood for boards - represents the volume of wood to be processed into particleboards and fibreboards.
Other roundwood varieties - wood volume used to support underground mining; wood volume used for construction (particularly in rural areas); wood volume used for dry distillation (beech, white beech, etc. splitwood); wood volume used to obtain vegetable tanning extracts (oak/spruce/acacia/willow wood); wood volume used to obtain stakes, trellis work, tool shanks and other productis of this kind.
Fender - represents the volume of wood used for the reinforcement of underground mining works.
Wood for rural buildings - represents the volume of wood used for buildings, especially in rural areas.
Wood for distillation - represents the volume of wood to be processed by dry distillation in distilling vessel.
Tanning wood - represents the volume of wood to be processed for the extraction of vegetable tannings.
Charcoal wood - represents the volume of wood intended for charcoal production by pit carbonization in kilns.
Wood for other uses - represents the volume wood used for stakes, espaliers a.s.o.
Wood fuel - wood volume meant for heating, food preparation and product drying or dehydration; wood volume meant to produce charcoal by pit carbonization.
Fuelwood - represents the volume of wood to be burnt for heating, food preparation, drying or dehydration of various products a.s.o. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey - Volume of wood exploited -SILV 5 details 
Methodology Statistical survey is exhaustive and is adressed to the economic operators having forestry activity. The statistical indicators for forestry operations contain information on the volume exploited by certified economic agents and written down in their primary accounting records (including the bark volume and the technological losses). 
Last update OCT 30, 2024 
Observations No data available for the period 1990 - 2001, because the statistical survey was carried out since 2002. 
Responsible person Nicoleta Dumitrache, e-mail Int. 2474 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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