AMG1105 - AMIGO - Employment and employees by working programme, by activities of the national economy and by sex |
Definition |
Employment comprises, according to the methodology of Statistical household labour force survey, persons aged 15 to 89 (in completed years at the end of the reference week) who, during the reference week, were in one of the following categories: (a)persons who during the reference week worked for at least 1 hour for pay or profit, including contributing family workers; (b) persons with a job or business who were temporarily not at work during the reference week but had an attachment to their job; (c) persons that produce agricultural goods whose main part is intended for sale or barter. Starting with 2021, persons that produce agricultural goods intended mainly or exclusively for self-consumption are no longer part of the employment. Prior to 2021, these persons were considered employed if: a) agricultural production was intended, even if only in part, for sale or exchange in kind (barter); b) agricultural production was intended exclusively for own consumption and represented a substantial part of the total consumption of the household.
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Household labour force statistical survey - AMIGO details |
Methodology |
Employment = Economically active population - ILO unemployed. Employment is classified by category of employed persons according ot their status in employment. Status in employment represents the situation of a person when getting income in the activity carried out, namely: - Employee - is considered that person who carries out his activity based on a labour contract within an economic or social unit - irrespective of its ownership type - or for private persons, getting a remuneration as salary, in cash or in kind, as commis. - Self-employed - ?is that person who carries out his activity in his own unit or in individual business, hiring no employee, being helped or not by contributing family members. This status also includes independent entrepreneurs (peddlers, coaches, women taking care of children, carters, private taxi-drivers etc.), freelancers (strolling musicians, fine artists, lawyers), occasional day-workers, holders of management or franchise contracts who do not use employees, individual farmers or those who work in agricultural associations. - Contributing family worker - is that person who carries out his activity within an economic family unit run by a family member or relative, not receiving remuneration as salary or pay in kind. - Member of an agricultural holding or of a non agricultural co-operative - is considered that person who has worked either as owner of agricultural land within an agricultural holding constituted according to the Law no 36/1991, or as member of a crafts. Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
JUL 11, 2024 |
Observations |
1996 is the year when the Household labour force statistical survey (AMIGO) - the data source for the AMG matrices - was started.
Major revisions of survey definitions were done in 2002 and 2021. Thus: - data for 2002 - 2020 are not comparable with series published for 1996 - 2001 - data, beginning with 2021, are not comparable with those published for previous periods. Owing to the rounding of the final decimal part of the extension coefficients to 5 decimals, there are seldom small differences between some estimated totals at level of various types of tables and what results from the total.
Data which have values bellow 6500 are not reliable due to the low number of observations; data which have values between 6500-11499 interval have a low degree of reliability; the variation coefficients are between 0.20 - 0.30.
For the period 1996-2003 data are estimated based on the number of population estimated/ revised in accordance with the results of the Population and Housing Census of March 2002 .
Since 2004, data were estimates based on resident population recalculated / calculated in terms of comparability with the results of the Housing and Population Census from 2011.
Responsible person |
Mirela Ionita: Mirela.Ionita@insse.ro; int 2436