AMG111A - AMIGO-Employment by age group and by sex (comparable data) |
Definition |
Employment comprises, according to the methodology of Statistical household labour force survey, persons aged 15 to 89 (in completed years at the end of the reference week) who, during the reference week, were in one of the following categories: (a)persons who during the reference week worked for at least 1 hour for pay or profit, including contributing family workers; (b) persons with a job or business who were temporarily not at work during the reference week but had an attachment to their job; (c) persons that produce agricultural goods whose main part is intended for sale or barter. |
Periodicity |
Annual Quarterly |
Data sources |
Household labour force statistical survey - AMIGO details |
Methodology |
Employment = Economically active population - ILO unemployed Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
OCT 14, 2024 |
Observations |
For the period 2009 - 2020, back calculated data are disseminated - adjusted to reflect the definitions in force since 2021. Owing to the rounding of the final decimal part of the extension coefficients to 5 decimals, there are seldom small differences between some estimated totals at level of various types of tables and what results from the total. Data which have values bellow 6500 are not reliable due to the low number of observations; data which have values between 6500-11499 interval have a low degree of reliability; the variation coefficients are between 0.20 - 0.30. |