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TEMPO - HOME >>> LABOUR FORCE Labor force and salary earnings-Press releases ; Employment and unemployment-Press releases >>> AMG131A - Select criteria
AMG131A - AMIGO-ILO unemployed by age group and by sex (comparable data): Please select the criteria for your query
Age group Sex Periods MU: Persons

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AMG131A - AMIGO-ILO unemployed by age group and by sex (comparable data) 
Definition The unemployed, according to international definition (ILO*), comprise persons aged 15 to 74 (in completed years at the end of the reference week) who were:
(a) during the reference week not employed according to the definition of employment; and
(b) currently available for work, i.e. were available for paid employment or self-employment before the end of the 2 weeks following the reference week; and
(c) actively seeking work, i.e. had either carried out activities in the four-week period ending with the reference week to seek paid employment or self-employment or found a job to start within a period of at most 3 months from the end of the reference week.
Periodicity Annual
Data sources Household labour force statistical survey - AMIGO details 
Methodology Metadata and quality report  
Last update OCT 14, 2024 
Observations Pentru perioada 2009 - 2020 sunt diseminate date recalculate, ajustate pentru a reflecta definitiile in vigoare incepand cu anul 2021.
Datorita rotunjirii partii zecimale finale a coeficientilor de extindere la 5 zecimale, exista uneori mici diferente intre unele totaluri estimate la nivelul diferitelor tipuri de tabele si ceea ce rezulta din insumare.
Datele care au valori mai mici de 6500 nu sunt fiabile datorita numarului redus de cazuri observate; datele care au valori cuprinse in intervalul 6500-11499 au un grad scazut de fiabilitate; coeficientii de variatie se situeaza intre 0,20 - 0,30.

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Project funded
by the EU
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