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AMG157H - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted series, by age group and sex: Please select the criteria for your query
Age group Sex Months MU: Percentage

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AMG157H - AMIGO - ILO unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted series, by age group and sex 
Definition Unemployment rate represents the ratio of the unemployed, according to international definition (ILO*), in economically active population.

* According to the International Labour Office criteria 
Periodicity Monthly 
Data sources ILO unemployment - monthly data details 
Methodology The data source is the Household Labour Force Survey that is carried out quarterly according to theRegulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Estimation methodology is based on econometric methods that exponentially smooth data series that shows a linear trend.
Estimated values are derived from the Household Labour Force Survey data using smoothing coefficients that adjust the level and trend of the series (in unadjusted form).
The monthly series is calculated as not seasonally adjusted as well as seasonally adjusted (thus, removing the effect of seasonal variations) and trend (which represent the series from which, both, the seasonal and irregular effects, were removed).
For the period 2009 - 2020, back calculated data are disseminated - adjusted to reflect the definitions in force since 2021.
Data published for the periods 2004-2008 are not comparable with those published for the next periods.
Metadata and quality report
Last update DEC 20, 2024 
Observations Data are available starting with year 2004, for age groups 15-74 years, 15-24 years and 25-74 years, by gender.
For ''young persons'' quarterly data is disseminated (e.g. data for January, February and March are all equal and refers to the first quarter).
Indicators are disseminated monthly as provisional data and are periodically revised, as new information become available.

Responsible person Mirela Ionita:; int 2436

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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