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ART101C - Libraries, by category, macroregions, development regions and counties: Please select the criteria for your query
Types of libraries Macroregions, development regions and counties Years MU: Number

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ART101C - Libraries, by category, macroregions, development regions and counties 
Definition Library is the institution, compartment or specialized structure whose main purposes is: to build up, organize, process, develop and preserve the collections of books, periodicals, other specific documents and the databases in order to facilitate their use for information, research, education or recreation purposes; initiation, organization and carrying out projects and cultural programmes, including partnerships with public authorities and institutions, with other institutions in the sector or by public-private partnership; within the information society the library has a strategic role;
Public and private libraries are included. In the data series are registered only the basic units operating in the reference year. The types of libraries are: national, university and public library (county, municipal, town and communal), school, specialized (of academic and research institutions, central and local public institutions, cultural and cult institutions, economic operators, trade unions and other associative organizations).
The national library is the institution whose task is to acquire, process and preserve at national level the documents from all areas of knowledge and, in particular, those related to Romanian language and civilization; it is the organizer of Legal Deposit of documents; the main documentary source for knowledge of national culture, with a role in developing cultural programmes of national and international interest.
In the number of national libraries is included also the Romanian Academy Library.
University library is the library, as a matter of priority, in the service of the students, the teaching staff and university researchers, other tertiary education and research institutions and which, under the limits of its organization regulations, can function as public library too.
Public library is an encyclopedic type library at the service of a local community (commune, municipality, town or county). The public libraries include: county li 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical survey on libraries activity details 
Methodology Categories of libraries are the following: national library, universitary library, public library (county, municipality, city and community libraries), specialized library (in the propriety of corporations, unions, cultural institutions).
In the number of national libraries is included the Romanian Academy Library.
For the years 1990,1991 in the total public libraries are included handicraft cooperatives libraries, tunions' libraries and religious denominations libraries, which are not included in the number of county libraries, municipal and town and commune libraries.
Until 1994, data collection comprises only public libraries.

Metadata and quality report

Last update JUN 21, 2024 
Responsible person Iota Beatrice; beatrice.iota@insse; phone: 0213181879, int 1879;  

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Project funded
by the EU
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