ART104A - Museums and public collections, by counties and localities |
Definition |
The museum is a public or private cultural, non-lucrative cultural institution which collects, preserves, researches, restores, communicates and exhibits for knowledge, education and recreation material and spiritual testimonies of human community existence and evolution, as well as environment. All cultural and natural goods existent in the museum or, by case, in the public collection represent the museum/public collection patrimony. The collection is an ensemble of cultural and natural goods, systematically and coherently constituted by natural or legal persons of public or private law. Public collections are collections accessible to the public and to the specialists, regardless of the ownership-right holder, that gather goods significant through their artistic, documentary, historical, scientific, cultural and memorialistic value. Private collections are collections that are privately owned by natural or legal persons under private law, to which the public and specialists have access only with the consent of the owners. By the cultural goods in the museum patrimony, museums and public collections are classified in: art, archaeology and history, science and natural history, science and techniques, ethnography and anthropology, specialised, regional, general and other museums (mixed) museums/public collection. There are also included monuments, botanical and zoological gardens, aquaria and nature reserves. The following are reported: museum patrimony, museums and public collections, public and private ownership, existing at the end of the reference year. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on museums and public collections activity details |
Last update |
JUN 22, 2018 |
Observations |
The data are available starting with 1990.The total represents the number of administrative units including subsidiaries and sections. |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: Year 2017. After this period, the series continue with the ART104C matrix |
Responsible person |
Iuliana Negru;0213181842,int.1441;iuliana.negru@insse.ro |