CAV102M - The percentage of households by the existence of bathroom and flushing toilet inside the dwelling, on occupational status of the household head, in total number of households from each category. |
Definition |
By household, as an observation unit, we mean two or more persons who usually live together, are family related, jointly do the housekeeping, sometimes work together in the household, use and capitalise the goods obtained, fully or partially contribute to the income and expenditure budget of the household. The household can also be composed of a group of two or more persons, with or without children, who are not family related but who declare that they have convened to live together and have a common budget. The persons who live alone, manage the house by themselves and are not members of another household are considered as one-person households.
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Survey on the quality of life (ACAV) details |
Methodology |
Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
OCT 07, 2024 |
Observations |
Starting in 2017, the self-employed category also includes employers due to the small number of observed cases. |
Responsible person |
Cuturela Alina, e-mail: alina.cuturela@insse.ro, tel.0213181836/1242 |