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CDP101A - Units with research - development activity, by sectors of performance and type of ownership at the end of year: Please select the criteria for your query
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CDP101A - Units with research - development activity, by sectors of performance and type of ownership at the end of year 
Definition The number of units with research-development activity refers to the units belonging to all property forms whose main activity is R&D or whose seconday activities are related to research.
The data related to research-development also include technological design.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical surveys on research-development activity details 
Methodology Human and financial resources from research-development are presented by sectors of performance, according to the methodology stipulated in the Frascati Manual of OECD, 2015 edition, observing the model of those used in the National Accounts System, as follows:
-sector of enterprises performance (BES-business) includes units from the business environment of national economy, whose main or secondary activity is R&D, either known or unknown at the time of setting up the reporting units sample.This sector includes: all the firms, organisations and institutions from the business environment having as main activity production of goods and services for the market. The basic nucleus of this sector consists in private enterprises (corporations or quasi-corporations), irrespective if they get profit or not.Among those enterprises there can be found some firms for which R&D activity is the main activity (for instance: R&D commercial institutions and labs). Additionally, this sector can include public enterprises (public corporations or governmental quasi-corporations) involved in the production and sale of a certain type of goods and services which are usually supplied by private enterprises. This sector can include research institutes, certain private clinics and hospitals, firms with various medical practices for a fee, which can draw over additional funds as donations or from own assets.
This sector also includes non profit institutions which directly produce goods and services, other than higher education services such as:
- non profit institutions involved in the market production having as main activity production of goods and services in order to sell for a price covering the main production costs.
- non profit institutions serving business sector. They are created and guided by business associations having as purpose to promote their own activity, such as commercial or agricultural associations.
- governmental performance sector (GOV-governmental) includes all the governmental units (including authorising officers devoted to R&D activities), units rendering public services, units with R&D activities belonging to central and local administrations, as well as national institutes of research-development;
- sector of tertiary education performance (HES-higher education sector) includes all the units belonging to public and private tertiary education and medical clinics under direct guidance or administered in association with institutions from tertiary education sector carrying out R&D activities;
- non profit private performance sector (PNP- private non-profit) includes unions, foundations, centres, associations, organizations, trade unions, political parties and formations which carry out R&D activities. Family associations are also included here.
These units usually provide collective or individual services free of charge or at an insignificant price. 
Last update NOV 19, 2012 
Observations Data for the period 1990 - 1992 are not available because the methodology was based on the recommendations of UNESCO (in the research and development activity, the design was also included) that were different from those used by OECD and Eurostat, according to the Frascati Manual. The UNESCO methodology was dropped since 1993.
The data for 1993 - 1997 are available only by total and execution sectors OECD.  
Interruption Last period of this series: Year 2010. After this period, the series continue with the CDP101B matrix
Responsible person Dumitriu D Diana Rodica, email:, phone 0213181854/ 0372317153 int. 1495 

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Project funded
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