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CDP102H - Researchers from reasearch-devolpment activity by age group at the end of the year: Please select the criteria for your query
Researchers by age group Years MU: Persons

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CDP102H - Researchers from reasearch-devolpment activity by age group at the end of the year 
Definition The number of employees in the units with research-development activity is the total number of employees who, at a certain point, directly or indirectly participate in the solving of problems which represent the activity of the unit, being paid for the services performed.
Employees are broken down by the following activities:
- personnel from the R&D activity - the personnel that directly participates in such an activity and the personnel that provides services which are directly linked to this activity;
- personnel from the production activity (from workshops and departments in charge of industrial and agricultural production and micro-production);
- personnel performing activities ancillary to R&D.

Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Statistical surveys on research-development activity details 
Methodology Researchers are experts working for concepting or accumulating knowledge, creating new products and procedures and new methods and systems, as well as for the management of those projects. In this category are included scientific researchers, teaching and research staff in higher education involved in the research, leadership and administrators, carrying out planning and management of the scientific and tehnical aspects of researchers works, as well as doctorate students involved in research projects. By convention, any member of the armed forces running R & D activities and scientific researchers similar qualifications should be included in this category.

Metadata and quality report - GOVSI

Metadata and quality report - HESSI
Last update DEC 16, 2024 
Observations Data series starts with year 2003 when it was introduced the statistic observation of researchers based on age and used worldwide.
The available data for period 1995-2004 can be found in CDP102C matrix.
Start with 2011, the division of researchers on the age groups are followed only for the performance sectors of the government and tertiary education. Therefore, national data are available for total researchers and for age group are breakdown only for governmental and higher education sectors of performance.
Continuation This matrix represents a continuation of the CDP102C matrix, containing data up to Year 2004.
Responsible person Dumitriu D Diana Rodica, email:, phone 0213181854/ 0372317153 int. 1495 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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