CLV104A - The annual average consumption per capita for the main food products and beverages |
Definition |
Yearly average consumption (available for consumption) of food products, per inhabitant expressed in physical units, represents the quantitie of one agri food product or group of agri food products (raw and processed) consumed by an inhabitant in the reference period, regardless the supply source (wholesale, retail, restaurants, canteens, own production a.s.o.) or the consumption place (individual households, restaurants, canteens, confectionaries, institutionalised households a.s.o.). Yearly average consumption of drinks (available for consumption), per inhabitant, represents the quantities of alcoholic and soft drinks consumed by an inhabitant, in the reference period, regardless the supply source (wholesale,retail, restaurants, canteens, own production a.s.o.) or the consumption place (individual households, restaurants, canteens, institutionalised households a.s.o.). Yearly average consumption of alcohol, per inhabitant, represents the quantitie of distilled alcoholic (spirituous) beverages, wines and beer, in equivalent alcohol 100%, consumed by an inhabitant, in the reference period. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Availabilities for population's food consumption details |
Methodology |
Both yearly average consumption of food products and beverages consumption are calculated as available for consumption (production+import-export-industrial processing-losses-change in stocks) related to total population on July 1, reference period.
Yearly average consumption of alcohol, per inhabitant, is obtained as a sum of the yearly average consumptions, per inhabitant, of alcohol provided by the distilled alcoholic beverages, wines and beer.
Yearly average consumption of alcohol provided by the distilled alcoholic beverages, wines and beer is obtained by multiplying the average alcoholic strenght with the yearly average consumption of distilled alcoholic (spirituous) beverages, wines and beer, per inhabitant. |
Last update |
JAN 15, 2024 |
Observations |
For the period 2002-2022 the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used. |
Responsible person |
Munteanu A. Marinela, e-mail:marinela.munteanu@insse.ro, phone 0213181844/ extension 2133 |