CNS105D - Indices of construction works- working day adjusted series and seasonally adjusted series - base year 2005 |
Definition |
Indices of construction works are volume indices and measures the evolution of construction activities results from one period to another.The survey is carried out on monthly basis and concern the enterprises with legal status, whose main activity belongs to CANE Rev. 2 section F ? Construction and whose income are mainly entailed by construction works carried out, fulfilling the legal refunding conditions (based on payment documents) expressed in prices related to the reporting period (current prices less of VAT). Volume indices in construction are determined by deflating the value data with the cost indices in construction by work type, respectively construction object. Indices of construction works per total are calculated as weighted arithmetic mean of indices by work type or construction object. The weights used for the aggregation are calculated based on the turnover according to the results of Structural Business Survey in the reference year (2021) . |
Periodicity |
Monthly |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on construction work performed under contract details |
Methodology |
In order to adjust the series, DEMETRA programs package was used (TRAMO/SEATS method) estimating the effect of working days number different from one month to another and the callendar effect (orthodox Easter, bisect year and other national holidays) as well as the identification and correction of outliers (occasional, transitory or permanent level changes) and interpolation of missing values.
The adjusted series with working days number was obtained by eliminating from unadjusted series these effects, by means of correction coefficients, set up according to the regression model used (additive or multiplicative).
Regression models used for each series are set up at the begining of each year involving the recalculation of adjusted series calculated in the previous year (recalculation due to the change in the adopted models, number of regressors used, number of available observations).
Aggregate levels were adjusted by direct method supposing direct adjustment of aggregated series. Using the direct method could lead to some inconsistencies in the data series (respectively, aggregates should not be always ranging between the values of their original components).
Estimation of unobserved components: trend-cycle, seasonality and irregular component is done by the SEATS program based on ARIMA models.
The adjusted series of working days effect and seasonality is obtained by eliminating the seasonal component from adjusted series of working days effect. |
Last update |
FEB 15, 2013 |
Observations |
Coverage: The monthly statistical survey is reffering to all enterprises with legal status having construction as their main activitiy (Section F of CANE rev.2). Data sources: The statistical survey 'CON' for years 2000-2004 and Statistical survey regarding short term indicators in construction CON TS chapter VAL and MAT starting with 2005.
The statistical survey is of sample type. The sample type used and the method of extracting sample for this statistical survey is simple random stratified survey in which strata are defined according to the economic activity and size class by number of employees.
Monthly data for volume indices in construction for the period 2000-2001 was estimated from quarterly data. Adjusted series according to the working days number and seasonality was rectified as a result of updating the models used for data adjustment. |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: December 2012. |
Responsible person |
Isofache Ana-Maria; anamaria.isofache@insse.ro; tel. 0213181824/2091 |