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CNS105L - Indices of construction works, unadjusted series - base year 2021: Please select the criteria for your query
Types of construction works and types of construction Months MU: Percentage

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CNS105L - Indices of construction works, unadjusted series - base year 2021 
Definition Indices of construction works are volume indices and measures the evolution of construction activities results from one period to another.The survey is carried out on monthly basis and concern the enterprises with legal status, whose main activity belongs to CANE Rev. 2 section F ? Construction and whose income are mainly entailed by construction works carried out, fulfilling the legal refunding conditions (based on payment documents) expressed in prices related to the reporting period (current prices less of VAT). Volume indices in construction are determined by deflating the value data with the cost indices in construction by work type, respectively construction object. Indices of construction works per total are calculated as weighted arithmetic mean of indices by work type or construction object. The weights used for the aggregation are calculated based on the turnover according to the results of Structural Business Survey in the reference year (2021) . 
Periodicity Monthly 
Data sources Statistical survey on construction work performed under contract details 
Methodology The total value of construction works comprises the value of new construction works, capital and current repairs, as well as the value of maintenance works on existing buildings and construction, carried out by economic operators with construction as main activity. This indicator refers to finished construction works by physical stages (to be not confounded with the finished construction object or part of object), accepted for payment by the beneficiary. The value of new construction works represents the value of construction works carried out for the first time, specified in the estimates articles for which the whole works specified in the construction norms have been carried out and accepted for payment by the beneficiary.
The value of capital repairs represents the value of all works carried out on the existing buildings after the expiry date of the whole functioning cycle specified in the technical norms, whose purpose is to ensure the preservation of technical and economical characteristics of buildings during the entire service duration.
The value of maintenance and current repair works represents the value of all operations (painting, dyeing, repair of insignificant parts) carried out on an existing building in view to ensure the continuity in its use, the prevention of fast depreciation and the prolongation of its functioning duration.
Construction works can be carried out on residential buildings, non-residential buildings, as well as on civil engineering buildings.
The residential buildings are exclusively or mainly intended for dwellings (over 50% of living floor or of built up volume is used for housing purposes). The buildings intended for collectively use (elderly persons hostels, orphanages, hostels) are considered as residential buildings.
The non-residential buildings are exclusively or mainly intended for other purposes than the residential ones (shops, cinemas, offices, administrative areas etc.).
Civil engineering represents the works that are based on a structural and architectural design, subordinated to certain technologies specific to an activity field. They represent construction objects that are not fulfilling the characteristics of buildings and whose purpose is to ensure the conditions for production or services activities or for carrying out social and cultural activities.

Metadata and quality report
Last update DEC 17, 2024 
Observations The data are available since 2005. 
Responsible person Isofache Ana-Maria;; tel. 0213181824/2091 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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