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TEMPO - HOME >>> NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Press releases >>> CON101L - Select criteria
CON101L - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1: Please select the criteria for your query
Production account by categories on products and generation of income account NACE Rev.1 Limited nomenclature of the industries NACE Rev.1 Years MU: Millions lei RON

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CON101L - Input-Output table, production account and generation of income account by industries - uses by products and by activities of the national economy - limited form - constant prices - ESA 95 - CANE Rev.1 
Definition The input-output table is a widely matrix framework used to present detailed and coherent information on the flows of goods and services as well as on the structure of production costs.
Gross domestic product is the sum of gross value added of various institutional sectors or various activity branches plus taxes and are deducted subsidies on products (which are not broken down by activity sectors and branches).
It is also the balance of total economy production account.
Gross domestic product is calculated in current and comparable prices.

Actual final consumption consists of the goods or services that are acquired by resident institutional units for the direct satisfaction of human needs, whether individual or collective.
General government's actual final collective consumption comprises general government expenditure for final collective consumption.
Private households actual individual final consumption consists of private households expenditure for purchasing goods and services in order to meet their members needs, general government expenditure for individual consumption and non-lucrative purpose institutions expenditure for individual consumption in the service of households.
Gross fixed capital formation represents the value of durable goods (meant for other pursposes than military ones) purchased by resident producer units in order to be used at least one year in the production process, as well as the value of services included in fixed capital goods.
Change in inventories is measured by the value of the entries into inventories less the value of withdrawals and the value of any recurrent losses of goods held in inventories due to physical deterioration, or accidental damage or pilfering. Inventories include all goods, other than fixed capital goods, held at a given moment in time by producer units.
Imports of goods and services represent all goods and services supplied by the non-residents to Romania's residents by means of sales, truck, donations or transfers.
Exports of goods and services represent all goods and services supplied by the residents to the non-residents by means of sales, truck, donations or transfers.
Gross value added is the balance of production account and measures the surplus of the produced goods and services value overflow consumed goods and services value for the production, representing the newly created value in the production process.
Production is an activity organised in order to produce goods and services during a given period.
Intermediate consumption represents the value of goods, other than fixed capital goods and market services,consumed in the reference period in order to produce other goods and services.
Gross operating surplus is the balance of operating surplus account and measures that part of the newly created value in the production process after salary remuneration and tax payment related to the production. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources National accounts - final version details
National accounts - semi-final version details
Statistical surveys on national accounts: 
Last update OCT 11, 2010 
Observations The data were calculated according to ESA 95 methodology since 1996. The data for 1990 - 1998 were calculated according ESA 79 methodology and are finding in the matrix CON101Y. 
Interruption Last period of this series: Year 2008. After this period, the series continue with the CON105L matrix
Responsible person Negru Ecaterina Daniela, interior 2287, 

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