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CON110E - Labour productivity, by employed person, by activities of national economy NACE Rev.2 - ESA 2010: Please select the criteria for your query
NACE Rev.2 (economic activities) Years MU: Lei/ person

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CON110E - Labour productivity, by employed person, by activities of national economy NACE Rev.2 - ESA 2010 
Definition Employment covers all persons - employees and selfemployed - engaged in productive activity that falls within the production boundary of the national accounts..
Labour productivity per employed person was calculated as a ratio between gross value added and employment.
Labour productivity per hour worked was calculated as a ratio between gross value added and the number of hours worked. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Ministry of Finances
National Bank of Romania
Special proccessings of statistical data from various surveys 
Metadata and quality report
Last update OCT 29, 2024 
Observations The data are available starting with 1995.
Starting with 2004 the data on the number of persons employed and the number of hours worked were estimated according to the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011 and are not comparable with the previous data series.
The data on the annual series of GDP and its components have been revised in accordance with the requirements of the HERP (Harmonized European Review Policy) for the period 2007-2022.
To view the harmonized review policy at european level, access the data sources from the CON111B matrix. 
Continuation This matrix represents a continuation of the CON110A matrix, containing data up to Year 2008.
Responsible person Negru Ecaterina Daniela, interior 2287, 

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