CON120A - Regional accounts of the household by categories of uses and resources, categories of accounts and transactions, macroregions and development regions level (current prices) |
Definition |
The households sector (S.14) includes persons or groups of persons both as consumers and as entrepreneurs, producers of market goods or of financial and non-financial market services (market producers), respecting the condition that production of goods and services is not performed by separate units treated as quasi-companies. The distribution and redistribution of income creates accounting balances such as primary income and disposable income. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Household budget survey details Household labour force statistical survey - AMIGO details Labour cost survey details Ministry of Finances National accounts - final version ESA 2010 details |
Methodology |
Regional accounts of households are the regional version of the corresponding accounts at the national level. For practical reasons at regional level only two accounts are calculate:
- allocation of primary income account;
- secondary distribution of income account.
These accounts aim at measuring primary income and disposable income of households that are resident in a region.
The regionalization method used for the "Households" sector accounts is the top-down method.
According to the ESA 2010 the primary incomes are those which resident units receive due to their direct participation to the production process and the income receivable by the owner of a financial asset or a tangible non-produced asset in return for putting it at the disposal of another institutional unit. The resources of this account are:
B2N/B3N - Net operating surplus/ Net mixed income,
D1 - Compensation of employees,
D4 - Property income (received).
While in the uses of this account are included:
D4 - Property income (paid).
Primary income of households (B5) - the balance of allocation of primary income account - is determined as difference between the total resources and the uses of this account.
Secondary distribution account shows how the balance after the redistribution of primary income is allocated in the form of: current taxes on income, social contributions and other transfers. The resources of this account include:
D62 - Social benefits other than in kind social transfers
D7 - Other current transfers
The uses of the account include:
D5 - Current taxes on income, wealth etc.
D61 - Net Social contributions,
D7 - Other current transfers.
Disposable income of households (B6) - represents the balance of secondary distribution of income account and is determined as difference between the total resources and the uses of this account.
More definitions and explanations can be found in Regulation (EU) 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European System of National and Regional Accounts of the European Union ESA 2010, Chapter 4 "Distributive transactions" and Chapter 13 "Regional accounts" https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:02013R0549-20150824&from=SK
Metadata and quality report
Last update |
FEB 27, 2024 |
Observations |
Data are calculated according to SEC2010 and NACE Rev.2 methodology. The data are available starting with 2000.
The 2000-2009 data series were revised as a result of the improvement of the compilation methodology and the implementation of GNI reserves. The 2010-2019 data series have been revised according to Eurostat reserves. |
Responsible person |
Stoika Cristina Alina, tel: 0313181824/1238, e-mail: alina.stoika@insse.ro |