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FOM104B - Average number of employees by categories, ownership types, macroregions, development regions and counties: Please select the criteria for your query
Categories of employees Type of ownership Macroregions, development regions and counties Years MU: Persons

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FOM104B - Average number of employees by categories, ownership types, macroregions, development regions and counties 
Definition The average number of employees comprises the persons employed under a labour contract/agreement on a definite or indefinite duration (including seasonal workers, the manager or the administrator), whose labour contract/agreement relationship was not suspended during the reference period.
The average number of employees is calculated as a simple arithmetic mean of the sum of the daily number of employees (those with suspended labour contract/agreement excluded), over the reference period, including the week-ends, legal holidays and other non-working days, divided by the total number of calendar days.
In the total daily number of employees considered for the calculation of the average number are included the following categories:
- the employees with labour contract/agreement for a definite or indefinite period of time, including the employees detached to work abroad (if the unit that detached them provided remuneration in the country, for which it transferred compulsory social contributions and tax);
- the employees whose labour contract/agreement has been suspended at the initiative of the employer (in case of temporary interruption of activity) and have received an allowance from the basic salary corresponding to the job;
- the employees who are temporarily in work incapacity (medical leave, quarantine/home isolation) during the time period in which they are paid from the employer own funds;
- the employees parents, during the days off granted to them in order to supervise their children, in cases of temporary closure of educational institutions, irrespective of the funds from which they are paid;
- the employees whose working hours has been temporarily reduced, irrespective of the funds from which they are paid.
In the daily number of employees taken into consideration when calculating the average number, the following are not included: employees on leaves without pay, on strike, owners who carry out their activity within their own enterprises and for whom the income source is solely represented by unit dividends and profits, unpaid family workers (persons who are carrying out their activity within an economic unit belonging to the family or to a relative, by helping it and for which they do not receive a compensation as wages and salaries; the payment is done in kind (food, clothing, housing) or occasionally or exceptionally in cash, without being included on payrolls), members of local and county councils, day labourers (persons who carry out unskilled activities on an occasional basis, in accordance with the legal provisions in force). During the week-ends, legal holidays and other non-working days, the number of employees from the previous day is taken into consideration as daily number of employees, except the number of those employees whose labour contract/agreement ceased that day. If the unit established or ceased its activity during the reference period, the daily number of employees is taking into account only for the period in which it operated, and the resulting amount is divided by the total number of calendar days from the reference period.
Part-time employees are included in the average number proportional with the working time included in the labour contract/agreement. In the number of employees taken into consideration in the average number only the paid persons are included.
Exceptionally, in the cases when amounts for prior periods are paid (backdated paid arrears as consequence of wining the lawsuits involving the money rights for the previous years), the number of beneficiaries (former employees or employees with suspended labour contract/agreement) are included in the average number of employees proportionally with the periods for which respective payments are done, so that a direct correlation between gross amounts paid and the average number of employees exists.
Beginning with 2003, the daily number of employees taken into account for the calculation of the average number no longer include the employees whose labour contract/agreement was suspended according to the legal provisions in force. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Labour cost survey details 
Methodology The objective of the annual labour cost survey is to provides the necessary elements for the calculation of the gross, net, monthly and hourly earnings broken down by national economy activity, ownership type, legal form, employee category, sex, macroregion, development region and county.
In 2023 it was conducted on a sample of about 27900 economic and social operators, from all enterprise size classes, irrespective of the employee number. The economic units with 50 or more employees are exhaustively surveyed. The units of the "budgetary sector" are exhaustively surveyed, except for local public administration units for which the data on local communal councils are collected based on a representative sample at county level (about 820 units). Armed forces and similar staff (the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Romanian Intelligence Service etc.) are excluded.
Starting with the reference year 2013, in order to improve the quality estimates and to increase the overall response rate, estimation methods were applied, by imputing the missing data from the statistical survey with the data reported in administrative sources ("Declaration on payment obligations related to social contributions, the income tax and nominal records of insured persons (D112)", owned by National Agency for Fiscal Administration). The imputation rate is under 10%. Type of non-response taken into account: refusal, units not identified, units not contacted, dormant or insolvency units at the end of the reference period (that reported data in administrative sources).
Starting with the reference year 2017, in order to improve the reliability of the data at county (NUTS3) and CANE Rev.2 division (2 digits) level, the survey sample was extended by economic units belonging to the size class below 50 employees, for which methods of estimating the statistical indicators from administrative sources were applied (''Declaration on payment obligations related to social contributions, the income tax and nominal records of insured persons (D112)'').
The public ownership comprises: State integral ownership, National and local interest public ownership.
Private ownership comprises: Integral private ownership.
The breakdown of employees by county was carried out according to the locality where they work.
Metadata and quality report 
Last update AUG 13, 2024 
Observations No data for the average number of employees by categories, ownership types, development regions and counties, for 1990 - 1992 are available.
Starting with 2008 data are available only for total employees.
The indicators to which an average number of employees of less than 100 persons corresponds have a lower degree of reliability due to the number of cases observed.
Responsible person Popescu Diana Elena;; int 2281 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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