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FOM106D - Monthly average net earnings in the economy on section and division level, CANE Rev.2: Please select the criteria for your query
CANE Rev.2 (sections and divisions) Months MU: Lei RON

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FOM106D - Monthly average net earnings in the economy on section and division level, CANE Rev.2 
Definition The net nominal earnings are obtained by subtracting from the gross nominal earnings the mandatory social contributions of the employees (social security contribution, respectively, social health insurance contribution paid by employees) and the corresponding tax.
Until 2018, the mandatory social contributions of the employees include: the contribution of employees to the unemployment insurance budget, the individual social insurance contribution and the contribution of employees to social health insurance. 
Periodicity Monthly 
Data sources Monthly survey on earnings details 
Methodology Objective of monthly statistical survey on earnings is to evaluate short term trends of monthly average and hourly earnings per total economy and by activity sector.
In view to set up the sample size, estimates of the main characteristics observed have been taken into account, which could be affected by errors of +/-3% at most and guaranteed with a probability of 95%. Starting with January 2024, the sample comprises about 23300 economic and social units. Budgetary sector units are exhaustively included in the survey, except local public administration for which data at level of local communal councils are collected based on a sample representative at level of county (about 820 units).
From 2001 onwards, for economic sector, units of four employees and over were included in the survey, covering, in 2024, 88,34% of total employees in this sector.
In order to improve the quality estimates and to increase the overall response rate, estimation methods were applied, by imputing the missing data from the statistical survey with the data reported in administrative sources ("Declaration on payment obligations related to social contributions, the income tax and nominal records of insured persons (D112)", owned by National Agency for Fiscal Administration). The imputation rate is about 10%. Type of non-response taken into account: refusal, units not identified, units not contacted, dormant or insolvency units at the end of the reference period (that reported data in administrative sources).
Also, starting with January 2024, the data for the units belonging to the central public administration (ministries, national institutions, authorities/agencies, s.o.) are estimated based on the information declared in D112, according to the processing flow developed for the estimation of statistical indicators.
The average net monthly earnings results by subtracting from the paid gross amount related to the average gross monthly earnings the mandatory social contributions of the employees and the corresponding tax, the results being divided by the average number of employees.
The average gross monthly earnings is defined according to the specifications from the FOM107D matrix.
The average number of employees is defined according to the specifications from the FOM104G matrix
Data are aggregated by homogeneous activity of units, meaning that in public administration activity (according to CANE Rev.2) there are not included all the secondary activities developed in central and local public administration of type:
- social assistance;
- arts, entertainment and recreation;
- landscape and services for buildings;
- agriculture;
- water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities;
- transportation and storage;
- electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;
- renting and sub-renting real estate goods etc.
Information about secondary activities are included each of them in economic activities according to the corresponding CANE Rev.2. Information regarding ''budgetary sector'' should be used carefully because data refer to statistics from economic activity (aggregated by homogeneous activity) according to CANE Rev.2 of public administration, education, human health and social work activities (including private sector for education - about 3.2% in 2024, respectively human health and social work activities - about 11.7% in 2024) except armed forces and staff assimilated (Ministry of National Defense, Romanian Intelligence Office, Ministry of Administration and Interior etc.).
These statistics do not take into account the financing type, their purpose being to provide information by economic activity according to CANE Rev.2. Information corresponding to the financing type are administered by the Ministry of Public Finance, in keeping with the stipulations of Government Emergency Ordinance no.48/2005, with later completions and modifications.
In relation to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the infra-annual, operative statistical data may present a lower degree of reliability, accuracy, completeness and comparability, as a result of the difficulties arising from the application of economic and social measures, determined by the declaration of state emergency/alert throughout Romania. These difficulties were mainly determined by heavy access to the financial and accounting documents, caused frequently by the sudden closure of certain economic and social units, by not completing in due time of the respective documents, by relaxation of legal deadlines for submitting tax documents to the related institutions, by temporarily suspending the activity for a significant number of economic and social units or even by ceasing their activity, in some cases.
The monthly data regarding the earnings and the number of employees for years 2000 - 2008 were estimated according to the new Classification of Activities in the National Economy (CANE Rev.2) harmonised with European classification in the field (NACE Rev.2). Applied estimation method relies on conversion matrix of economic activities defined according to CANE Rev.1 in economic activities defined according to CANE Rev.2. Building up the conversion matrix relies on data collected according to CANE both versions, by monthly statistical survey on earnings, during 2008.
Starting from 2019, in accordance with the national legal provisions in force, certain categories of employees benefit from fiscal facilities in terms of tax and mandatory social contributions. Also, in some economic activities, a differentiated minimum gross basic salary is applied.
Metadata and quality report
Metadata and quality report
Last update FEB 13, 2025 
Observations Starting with January 2007, the coverage of activity ''Public administration'' also includes Community police.
Starting with September 2017, for Public Administration are including data related to the total number of employees assigned to parliamentary offices in electoral districts and paid from lump sums.
The legal provisions in force (GEO No. 79/2017, as subsequently amended and supplemented) concerning the social security contribution, respectively the social health insurance contribution that were borne by the employer, were transferred to the employee starting with January 2018 and do not affect the data series comparability for the ''average monthly net earnings''.
The average net earnings disseminated monthly do not contain severance payments, backdated paid arrears as consequence of wining the lawsuits involving the money rights related to previous years. 
Responsible person Cotirta Alin;; int. 2281 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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