FOM107B - Average monthly nominal gross earnings by industry activities at level of CANE Rev.1 division and categories of employees |
Definition |
The gross nominal earnings include the gross amounts paid to employees in the reference period, thus: 1. Gross amounts paid from the salary funds for time worked: - basic salaries corresponding to the hours actually worked in full-time and overtime (including indexations, leadership allowances, performance salaries and other rights which, according to the legislation, are included in the basic salary); - bonuses and allowances granted as percentage of the basic salary or as flat rates; - bonuses/awards/benefits granted over the year or annually in different forms (including the 13th salary, holiday bonuses); - exceptional payments/bonuses (occasional) paid to the employees who are leaving the enterprise (including retirement bonuses), only if the respective amounts are not related to a labour contract; - amounts paid to employees for transportation to/from the workplace; - amounts granted for the payment of employees for holiday leaves not taken; - amounts related to the risk incentive granted to the medical staff, in accordance with the legal provisions in force; - other amounts paid in accordance with the legal provisions in force and/or established by the labour contracts/agreements (including those to support utility expenses at the place where they carries out their activity, such as electricity, heating, water and data subscription, and the purchase of office furniture and equipment, within the limits set by the employer through the labour contract or internal regulations, within a monthly ceiling limit, corresponding to the number of days in the month in which the employee is in tele-work); - payment of the manager or, as the case may be, the gross allowances of administrators or performance bonuses granted to them, in accordance with the management, administration, mandate or performance contracts, in accordance with the legal provisions in force; 2. Gross amounts paid from the salary funds for hours not worked: - amounts paid for hours not worked (holiday or study leaves, legal holidays, special family events, etc.) in accordance with the legal provisions in force and/or established by the labour contracts/agreements; - allowances for temporary work incapacity (sick leave) caused by common diseases or non-related to work injuries, professional diseases and work injuries paid from the salary funds (excluding the amounts paid from the Unique National Health Insurance Fund and Work-Related Accidents and Occupational Diseases Insurance Budget), in accordance with the legal provisions in force; - amounts paid for work interruptions non-imputable to employees; - allowances of which the employees benefit for the period when the labour contract is temporary suspended at the employer initiative (technical unemployment), irrespective if are borne by the employer or from state budget, in accordance with the legal provisions in force; - allowances of which the employees benefit for the days off granted to parents in order to supervise their children, in cases of temporary closure of educational institutions, in accordance with the legal provisions in force; - allowances of which the employees benefit as a result of working hours reduction, in accordance with the legal provisions in force. 3. Gross amounts paid from salary fund as payments in kind and cash aids include the equivalent value of the payments in kind and of the cash aids, paid as work remuneration (in accordance with the legal provisions in force and/or established by labour contracts/agreements); 4. Gross amounts paid to the employees (as incentives) from net profit of the unit, including the amount corresponding to the share of the manager or administrator, as the case may be, excluding dividends paid from the net profit; 5.Gross amounts paid from other funds (including the payments in kind, cash aids, food allowance/norm, other allowances) than the salary funds, including incentives granted from a fund established by applying a percentage to the amounts obtained from turning into account seized goods from penalties coming from amounts cashed based on enforced legal acts in accordance to the Fiscal procedure code, those cashed based on judicial restructuring and bankruptcy, other incentive granted besides the salary funds, the amounts paid for activity performed in projects financed from European funds, payments in kind as products, rents, fuel, energy, transport; the values tickets equivalent (meal tickets, gift tickets, nursery tickets, cultural tickets, holiday vouchers/tickets), all amounts granted based on legal provisions force. The gross amounts paid include: all amounts, including deductions for the payment of rates, seizures, social security contribution, respectively social health insurance contribution paid by employees, tax, as well as refunds for reductions for non-production. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Labour cost survey details |
Methodology |
Cb=sumCLi / (Nl * 12)
Cb - average gross monthly earnings per employee
CLi - gross amounts paid annually to the employees, by item i part of the earnings
Nl - average monthly number of employees Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
NOV 16, 2009 |
Observations |
The starting year for the data series is 1992. Data for the period 1990-1991 are not available because for this period was used classification NRCE, a different classification division (which is used since 1992) and there is no possibility of reconstruction of NACE structure. No data for the average gross nominal monthly salary earnings by industry activities at level of NACE division ( Manual workers category) for 1992 are available. For 2008 data are available only for total employees.The annual data for 2008 were estimated on CANE Rev. 1, fully harmonized with NACE Rev.1. The estimation method applied is based on conversion matrices of economic activities defined according to CANE Rev.2 into the economic activities defined according to CANE Rev.1. Building up the conversion matrices relies on data collected according to CANE both versions, by the annually statistical survey on labour costs for year 2008. |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: Year 2008. After this period, the series continue with the FOM107F matrix |
Responsible person |
Popescu Diana Elena; e-mail:diana.popescu@insse.ro; int 2281 |