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FOM121B - Number of employees with full-time paid for the whole month, the basic gross salary and the gross income received in October by age group, major groups of occupations (ISCO - 08) and gender: Please select the criteria for your query
Employees, the average basic gross salary and the gross achieved income Age group and ages Groups of occupations (ISCO-08) Sex Years Measure units

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FOM121B - Number of employees with full-time paid for the whole month, the basic gross salary and the gross income received in October by age group, major groups of occupations (ISCO - 08) and gender 
Definition The number of employees who worked full-time the entire month October comprises the employees with labour contract identified in the two administrative data sources (REGES and D112), who worked full-time and were paid for the entire month in October, even if they were absent from work due to:
- days of sick leave paid from the salary fund;
- temporary interruption of activity (technical unemployment) for which the employees have received an allowance from the basic salary corresponding to the job held;
- working hours temporarily reduced in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
- days off granted to parents in order to supervise their children in cases of temporary closure of educational institutions;
- days of quarantine/home isolation paid from the salary fund.
Day labourers and the persons who worked less than full time are excluded.
The gross basic salary is the salary established by the individual employment contract, depending on the importance and complexity of the job duties, level of education, qualification and professional training. The gross basic salary represents the fixed part of the salary which is the base for establishing the other rights of employees (ex. allowances, benefits, as well as other amounts), excepting the personnel remunerated from public funds for which the basic salary is regulated according to the provisions laws in force.
The gross income received according to the administrative data sources (D112) comprised the gross salary amounts received and reported by employers for the employees.
The gross income received included the following elements:
- the gross basic salary set out in the labour contract;
- bonuses, allowances and amounts granted as percentage of the gross basic salary or as fixed amounts, regardless if permanent or not;
- gross amounts resulting from ?hourly payments?, emergency and clinical bonuses;
- gross amounts granted on retirement;
- exceptional payments made to employees who are leaving the enterprise (excluding the compensatory amounts paid in case of ceasing of the labour contract following the unit restructuring and highlighted separately in D112);
- other additions to salaries, approved by law or established by individual or collective labour contracts (bonuses, incentives, compensations, allowances for the annual holiday leave not-taken, the 13th salary, holiday bonuses, as well as other amounts representing income for current or previous periods);
- salary-related income, payments in kind and financial aids for which no social security contributions are retain, such as the equivalent of value tickets (meal tickets, gift tickets, nursery tickets, cultural tickets, holiday vouchers/ tickets) and the equivalent value of transportation subscriptions;
- allowances paid by the employer for employees who were in work incapacity (sick leave, quarantine/home isolation) determined by common diseases or non-related to work injuries, professional diseases and work injuries paid from the salary funds;
- amounts paid for work interruptions non-imputable to employees (including technical unemployment as a compensation paid from the basic salary);
- allowances of which the employees benefit for the period when the labour contract is temporary suspended at the employer initiative (technical unemployment), irrespective if are borne by the employer or from state budget;
- allowances of which the employees benefit for the days off granted to parents in order to supervise their children, in cases of temporary closure of educational institutions, in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
- allowances of which the employees benefit as a result of working hours reduction.
The following elements were not included in the gross income received (if highlighted separately in D112 or identified in the data processing flow):
- gross amounts paid from the budget of the Unique National Health Insurance Fund as benefits for temporary incapacity for work caused by ordinary illness or accidents outside the workplace, occupational diseases and accidents at work, allowances for illness prevention and the recovery of the ability to work, compensations for maternity leave and other aids granted in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
- gross amounts paid from the budget of the Insurance against Work Related Accidents and Occupational Diseases Insurance Budget as benefits for temporary incapacity for work caused by occupational diseases and accidents at work, allowances for reduced working time or allowances for temporary job changes and other aids granted in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
- the amounts paid in the reference year, but related to previous years, including backdated paid arrears as consequence of wining the lawsuits involving the money rights related to previous years. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources 1. Statistical survey on salaries in October details, based on administrative data:
2. The statement on compulsory payments of social contributions, taxes on income and the nominal records of insured persons (D112), managed by the National Tax Administration Agency
3. General register of employees (REGES) managed by Labour Inspection 
Methodology The survey on salaries in October was exclusively carried out through the exploitation of administrative data sources and is aiming at determining the number of employees by gross basic salary group and gross income received group, the average gross basic salary and the gross average income received, by gender, age group, activity of national economy, major groups of occupations/occupations, in October.
Coverage: All the active enterprises with legal status, individual and family enterprises or authorized natural persons that have employees and the main activity is according to CANE Rev. 2 divisions, codes 01-96, excluding the activity ''Public administration and defence; social insurance from the public system'' (division 84). Are not included the persons with labour agreement (the employees having the status of public servant, magistrate (judge, prosecutor), state dignitary), as well as armed forces and assimilated personnel. Are also excluded from the scope of the survey the day labourers and part-time employees.
The estimation of the results related to October was made for the employees with a full-time employment contract declared in the ''General register of employees'' (REGES), who worked the entire month October and received an income for whom the employers have filled in the ''Statement on compulsory payments of social contributions, taxes on income and the nominal records of insured persons'' (D112).
Data aggregation was carried out in accordance with the main economic activity CANE Rev.2 code from the statistical register of enterprises (REGIS) correlated with the one declared in the two administrative data sources.
For employees classified below the minimum gross basic salary applicable according to the specific legislation of the economic sector in which they work, registered in the "General register of employees" (REGES), who were full-time employed and received an income in the ''Statement on compulsory payments of social contributions, taxes on income and the nominal records of insured persons'' (D112), the basic salary was updated to the level of the minimum gross wage of the corresponding economic sector.
For the months October 2013 and October 2015 are not included income on salary basis, in kind and money aids for which no social insurance contributions are retained such as the value tickets (meal tickets, gift tickets, nursery tickets, cultural tickets, holiday vouchers/tickets) and the value of transport season tickets. These amounts are included starting with October 2016.
In 2020, mainly due to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the establishment of a state of emergency/alert throughout Romania, a significant number of economic and social units have temporarily suspended or even ceased their economic activity carried out, which led to a decrease in the number of employees who worked full-time and were paid for 22 days in October, to an increase in the number of employees who did not achieve gross income at least at the level of the basic salary, and in some economic activities even at the registration of gross incomes received under those of October of the previous year.
The distribution of employees on the 9 major groups of occupations (excluding major group 0 ''Armed Forces'') was done in accordance with the Classification of Occupations in Romania 2008 (COR 2008) harmonized with the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and approved by G.D. no. 1352/2010. 
Last update DEC 12, 2024 
Observations Data were obtained exclusively by exploiting administrative data sources and are available starting 2013. Considering the changes in data sources and coverage, the results of the Statistical survey on salaries in October are not comparable with the results achieved in the years prior to the reference year 2013 and published in the previous matrices.
The minimum gross wage per economy is established by law, the entire series can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection:
The information regarding the major groups of occupations with less than 10 employees were not detailed due to a low degree of reliability.
Until 2018, the major groups of occupations 9 is called "Unskilled workers" and starting with 2018 will change to "Elementary occupations" in accordance with the legislation in force.
The processing flow for statistical indicators estimation is based on the interconnection and correlation of information from the two sources of administrative data. 
Responsible person Popescu Diana Elena, Buravic Cristina Maria e-mail:,, Int. 2281

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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