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FPC101C - Enterprises that offered countinuing vocationl training, by ownership type and categories of units: Please select the criteria for your query
Categories of enterprises who offer continue vocational training Type of ownership Years MU: Number

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FPC101C - Enterprises that offered countinuing vocationl training, by ownership type and categories of units 
Definition The indicator refers to the number of enterprises providing continous vocational training (CVT) and their weight as against total number of enterprises object of this survey. CVT represent all training measures or activities which are organized and financed by the enterprises totally or partly, for their persons employed and is addressed to all persons employed who already have a qualification obtained either in the national education system or at the workplace (current or previous). In order to include an activity into the CVT category, it should be planned in advance and financed at least partly by the enterprise.
CVT is provided as courses or other CVT types.
According to the organizer or coordinator unit, there are two types of courses: internal and external courses.
Other CVT types are those besides CVT cources, namely:
- Planned training periods or practical wrok experience, this CVT type supposes practical vocationinal training (less tehoretical) of persons employed in a definite and planned in advance period of time, using usual work tools, instruments or equipment, either at the working place or in its close neighbourhood.
- Planned training by staff rotation in various working places, by exchange of experience: this category includes only actions planned in advance and having as main purpose to develop or improve knowledge, skills or practical habits of involved persons employed, as well as temporary detachments for specialization (for example to learn how to use a piece of equipment. Usual transfers of persons employed from one working place to another, according to the respective needs, are not included, because this is not continous vocational training.
- Training at conferences, lectures, seminars that main purpose is the vocational training of persons employed: participation in these forms is qualified as training only if the purpose is that of vocational training of persons employed, respectively of acquiring new knowledge or improving existing ones and if were planned in advance;
-Participation in learning/quality circles: learning/quality circles are groups of persons employed which meet periodically, at predetermined time intervals, who are regularly gathered at planned periods of time in order to improve knowledge on production process requirements, working place, work organization. In fact, it is a type of individual training within a group. This category also includes the quality circles, working groups with the aim to discuss about problems and their solving in the production and at the working place. Participants should be integrated in the planning and control procedures of the enterprise. A coordinator usually supervises these quality circles.
- Self-learning using open and distance learning courses, vidfeo/audio, online courses, computer-based methods (including Internet): the characteristic of this learning type is that trained person himself can decide about his training, the training ways and the training duration as well as the training place (Training Centrer, libraries or other sections exclusively for training). It cannot be considerated CVT if self learning/training has personal purpose and is not financed or organised by the unit. 
Periodicity 5 years 
Data sources Continuing vocational training survey (CVTS) details 
Methodology Metadata and quality report 
Last update NOV 27, 2007 
Observations The statistical survey Characteristics of vocational training in enterprises was performed for the first time in 1999.
The next rounds of the survey has as reference period the years 2005, 2010, 2015.
The data are not available for reference years 2010, 2015. 
Responsible person Cristina Buravic;; int 2281 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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