IND103B - Industrial production, by type of ownership, CANE Rev.1 |
Definition |
The value of industrial production represents the value of manufactured finished products (delivered or intended for delivery) and semi-finished products delivered from own production, the value of processing raw materials and the customers' materials, the value of works (services) of industrial nature rendered to third parties, as well as the value of the stock difference between semi-finished and unfinished products. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Structural business statistical survey details |
Last update |
JAN 14, 2010 |
Observations |
Between 1990-1997 there are no avalible data due to the fact that the collection of statistical information for the two types of property ( majority state, majority private) has been realized from the year 1998. The data comparability between NACE Rev.1 and NACE Rev.2 is not possible due to structural changes between the two classification (such as aggregation and/or detail of the classification). |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: Year 2008. |
Responsible person |
Tacu Tiberiu Daniel; daniel.tacu@insse.ro; tel. 0213181824/1483 |