IND104B - Monthly industrial production indices by industrial activities CANE Rev.1 - base year 2000 |
Definition |
The industrial production index (IPI) measures the evolution of the results of industrial activities from one period to another, this being a Laspeyres-type volume index, calculated from the series of representative products at the level of each industrial activity and their weight (gross added value at the cost of factors in the base year). |
Periodicity |
Monthly |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on industrial products and services - monthly, since 2005 details |
Methodology |
The Nomenclature of Industrial Products (PRODROM) contains about 4000 products and characterizes the industrial activities of the CANE Rev. 1 C, D, and E sections. PRODIND represents aggregated nomenclature of PRODROM products. PRODIND level represents the first calculation level of industrial production indices. Since 2004, 2000 represents the reference year used in the IPI calculation.
The industrial production indices measure its evolution per total industry, by section (mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electric, thermal energy, gas and water), subsection and by CANE division Rev.1 .
The primary indices of industrial production are aggregated by a system of successive weightings, using the average price of basic year (2000) for the aggregation at level of product (PRODIND - upper aggregation level of PRODROM), while for upper aggregation levels (CANE class, group, division, subsection, section), it is used the gross value added at the cost of factors (GVACF) of the basic year (2000).
The first aggregated level as weighting element is the level of CANE Rev. 1 class, the next aggregation levels being determined as a weighted arithmetic mean of the CANE Rev. 1 classes, groups, divisions, sections indices, with the corresponding GVACF of the basic year (2000).
Last update |
FEB 12, 2009 |
Observations |
The Nomenclature of Economic Units, which provides monthly data on industrial physical production, comprises a representative sample of enterprises having industry as their main activity (CANE Rev.1: 10, 11, 13, 14, 15-29, 31-36, 40, 41) and which comprises all enterprises having over 50 employees and a sample of enterprises having 4-49 employees, so that a representativity should be assured of about 90% at level of total industry and minimum 80% at level of CANE Rev. 1 division, this being calculated based on turnover.The industrial production indices are provisional and are revised based on the revisions retroactively done by the enterprises in the sample, concerning the data previously supplied. |
Responsible person |
Baicoianu E. Violeta Roxana; e-mail: violeta.baicoianu@insse.ro; tel. 0213177775 |