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IND108A - Energy balances by component elements: Please select the criteria for your query
Energy balance components Years MU: Thousandss tonnes equivalent oil

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IND108A - Energy balances by component elements 
Definition Energy balances are compiled according to the final energy equivalent system, all balance items being calculated based on the power potential of each resource.
Energy resources
A main component of the energy balance, the resources indicator comprises: the production of primary energy (including recovered energy), imports of energy carriers and the stock of energy carriers at the beginning of the reference period.
Primary energy production
This category includes the production obtained from exploiting the energy sources existing in nature (in deposits, water courses, etc.), which can be used as such or after processing (sorting, washing, decantation, purification, etc.), which does not change the structure of the energy source but it improves its quality with a view to using it as fuel or as raw material for the production of other fuel or non-fuel products.
Primary energy production also includes: the production of hydro-electric energy, the thermal energy coming from nuclear reactors, solar, geothermal and eolian energy. This category comprises the fuel products obtained as a result of activities other than energy generation, such as: wood processing, pulp and paper production, agriculture, etc.
Include the quantities of primary and transformed energy which entered the national territory both within and outside contracts, directly or through foreign trade companies, including transit fees for the quantities of energy that are transported to other countries through national transport systems. Crude oil also includes the quantities which entered the country for the "processing" activity. This category also comprises the quantities of fuel and liquid fuel used for the supply of aircrafts and river vessels, as well as Romanian road vehicles currently on the territory of other states. The quantities delivered to seagoing vessels are considered as bunkers. The quantities transiting the national territory are not included.
Stock at the beginning of the reference period
Includes the stocks of primary and transformed energy held by producers, distributors and consumers as well as those left in custody at economic units. Includes stocks held by fuel suppliers, consumers, power generators, etc. at the beginning of the reference period.
Comprise the quantities delivered outside the national territory, directly or through foreign trade companies.
As regards the electric energy, exports include both the quantities delivered by the national energy system within and outside export contracts, as well as the transit fees for the exports carried out in a country through the electric networks of other countries. The electric energy which transits the national territory is not comprised. This category also includes the quantities of fuel and liquid fuel supplied for foreign road, air and naval transport vehicles currently on the territory of the country as well as diplomatic offices in Romania. The quantities delivered to seagoing vessels are considered as bunkers.
Includes the quantities of fuel delivered to seagoing vessels, irrespective of the flag under which they navigate. The quantities consumed by the ships navigating in interior waters are not included. The quantities of fuel consumed by fishing vessels are considered as agricultural consumption.
Stock at the end of the reference period
Includes the quantities of fuel and liquid fuel held by producers, distributors and consumers, at the end of the reference period, irrespective of their source.
Domestic consumption
This synthetic indicator is obtained by subtracting exports, bunkers and closing stock from total resources.
Transformation input
This category includes all quantities of energy carriers consumed in a transformation plant, with a view to obtaining derived energy products. The transformation which took place in processing units is the physical or chemical change of energy products. Hence, the mixtures of products are not included in this indicator, but in the "transfer" indicator.
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources National Authority of Customs (NAC)
Statistical research on energy balance and structure of energy equipment details 
Metadata and quality report
Last update NOV 21, 2024 
Observations The methodology for the final system energy has been applied form 1999.The reconstruction of the previous series has been possible only until year 1992. 
Responsible person Opris A Adriana Magdalena;;0213181812 

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Project funded
by the EU
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