INO101E - Average number of employees of innovative enterprises, by activity and size class |
Definition |
Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, the methodology has been modified in accordance with the new edition of the OSLO Manual 2018. Innovative enterprises are enterprises with product innovations, business process innovations, unfinished and / or abandoned innovations and Research and Development. Business process innovation includes both process innovation and organizational and marketing innovations from the old methodology.
An innovation is the introduction of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), process, organisational method or marketing method by the enterprise. It relies on the results of a new technology, of technological development, of new combinations of existent technologies or on using other knowledge obtained by the unit. The innovation (new or improved) must be new to enterprise, but it does not need to be new to sector or market. It does not matter if the innovation was originally developed by own enterprise or by other enterprises. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, the definition of innovation is as follows: an innovation is a new or improved product or process (or combination thereof) that differs significantly from the unit's previous products or processes and that has been made available to potential users (product) or brought into use by the unit (process).
Innovation activities include all types of R&D activities, the acquisition of machinery, equipment, buildings,software and licenses; engineering and development work, design, training, marketing when they are specifically undertaken to develop and/or implement a product or process innovation. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, innovation activities include all developmental, financial and commercial activities undertaken by a enterprise that are intended to result in an innovation for the enterprise.
Innovative enterprises are enterprises launching new or significantly improved products (good or service) on the market or enterprises which introduced new or significantly improved processes or new organisational or marketing methods. This term covers all types of product, process innovators, organisational methods and marketing methods as well as enterprises with on-going or abandoned innovation activity and refers to active enterprises. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, Innovation active enterprises are enterprises launching new or significantly improved products (good or service) on the market or enterprises which introduced new or significantly improved business processes This term covers both types of product innovators and business process innovators, as well as enterprises with on-going or abandoned innovation activity and refers to active enterprises.
Non-innovative enterprises are enterprises which had no innovation activity during analyzed period. These enterprises replied a limited set of questions from statistical survey concerning the absence of innovation activity. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave the non-innovative enterprises answered the entire questionnaire. A product innovation is the market introduction of a new or significantly improved good or service with respect to its capabilities, user friendliness, components or sub-systems. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, a product innovation is a new or improved good or service that differs significantly from previous goods or services of firm's and have been introduced on the market.
A process innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production process, distribution method, or supporting activity. Starting with the 2016-2018,2018-2020 survey wave, process innovation will be called business process innovation. A business process innovation is a new or improved business process for one or more business functions that differs significantly from the firm's previous business processes and that has been brought into in the firm.
All business functions can be the object of innovation activity. The term business process includes the core business function of producing goods and services and supporting functions such as distribution and logistics, marketing, sales and after-sales services; information and communication technology (ICT) services to the firm, administrative and management functions, engineering and related technical services to the firm, and product and business process development. Business processes can be considered as services for which the firm itself is the customer. Business processes can be delivered in-house or procured from external sources.
An organisational innovation is a new organisational method in enterprises business practices (including knowledge management), workplace organisation or external relations that has not been previously used by your enterprise. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, the indicator is no longer used, its component elements being included in the definition of business process innovation.
A marketing innovation is the implementation of a new marketing concept or strategy that differs significantly from your enterprises existing marketing methods and which has not been used before. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, the indicator is no longer used, its component elements being included in the definition of business process innovation.
Both product innovation and process innovation may be accompanied by organisational and/or marketing innovation. Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, the indicator is no longer used.
Enterprises with on-going or abandoned innovation activity are enterprises which had on-going or abandoned innovation activity for development or introduction of new or significantly improved products (goods or services) or for implementation of new or significantly improved processes. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on innovation activity in business enterprises details |
Methodology |
Average number of employees represents a simple arithmetic mean resulted from the sum of daily employees number, including from the weekly rest days, legal holidays and other non-working days divided to the total calendar days of the year (365 days). In daily number of employees taken into calculation for average number, there are not included: employees under unpaid leave, on strike, detached to work abroad. In weekends, legal holidays, other days off it is taken into calculation as daily number, the number of employees from previous day, less that of those whose labour contract ceased the same day. Employees who were not employed in full time are included in average number of employees, proportionally with the working time from the labour contract. Only persons paid are included in the number of employees taken into the calculation of average number.
Statistical survey based on - Community Innovation Survey (CIS), collecting information on innovation and innovative activities of enterprises, during a three years period, according to guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data - Oslo Manual recommandations.
For the periods 2000-2002, 2002-2004 and 2004-2006, the number of innovative enterprises summarized enterprises with product innovation, process innovation and enterprises with on-going and abandoned innovation and the coverage included the enterprises with over 9 employees of industry (division CANE Rev.1 10-14, 15-37, 40-41) and services (division CANE Rev.1 51,60-64,65-67, 72,73 and groups 741 and 742).
For the periods 2006-2008 and 2008-2010, the number of innovative enterprises summarized product innovation, process innovation, on-going and abandoned innovations, organisational innovation and marketing innovation and the coverage included all enterprises with over 9 employees from industry (divisions CANE Rev.2: 05-09, 10-33, 35, 36-39) and services (divisions CANE Rev. 2: 46, 49-53, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64-66, 71).
For the periods 2010-2012, 2012-2014 and 2014-2016, the coverage is more comprehensive, respectively the enterprises with over 9 employees from industry (divisions CANE Rev.2: 05-09, 10-33, 35, 36-39) and services (divisions CANE Rev. 2: 46, 49-53, 58-63, 64-66, 71, 72 and 73).
Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, the methodology was modified in accordance with the new edition of the OSLO Manual 2018. For this period, the number of innovative enterprises includes enterprises with product innovations, business process innovations, on-going and / or abandoned innovations, research and development activities. The business process innovations category includes the process, organizational and marketing innovations from the previous edition of the Oslo Manual. The coverage includes enterprises with over 9 employees in: industry (NACE divisions Rev.2: 05-09, 10-33, 35, 36-39) and services (NACE divisions Rev. 2: 46, 49-53, 58- 63, 64-66, 71, 72 and 73).
Metadata and quality report
Last update |
OCT 22, 2024 |
Observations |
The statistical survey on innovation is done every 2 years.
Starting with the 2016-2018 survey wave, the notion of innovative enterprises includes: product innovations, business process, ongoing, abandoned and research and development activity. Organizational and marketing innovation has been included in the notion of business process innovation. |
Responsible person |
Ghilencea Liviu, phone:0213181854, Liviu.Ghilencea@insse.ro |