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INV101E - Net investments, by activity of the national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section and divisions: Please select the criteria for your query
NACE Rev.2 (economic activities) Years MU: Billions lei, lei RON, thousands lei RON, millions lei RON (from 2005)

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INV101E - Net investments, by activity of the national economy at level of CANE Rev.2 section and divisions 
Definition Net investments represent expenses made for construction, installation and erection works, for the purchase of equipment, transport means, other expenses destined for creating new fixed asets, for developing, modernising and rebuilding the existing ones, as well as the value of services related to the ownership transfer of existing fixed assets and lands (notary fees, commissions, transport and loading-unloading expenses, etc.).
Net investments are presented by homogeneous activity (by destination) of national economy.
The structure of net investments comprises the following elements:
- construction - represent all the works consisting in the execution of new constructions, the rebuilding, development and modernisation of buildings with industrial, agricultural destination, etc. At the same time, construction also comprise the assembly works for technological and functioning equipment with all operations needed for assembling their components on the buildind site, as well as for their fixation on foundation (including the value of mechanical tests and running in the technological equipment);
- outfits (with or without assembly) - comprise machinery, equipment, lines and technological installations which can only function after ensuring assembly works as well as outfits that can operate independently. Transport means are also included;
- geological and drilling works - all works executed for: identifying new reserves of useful mineral substances, in fluid or liquid state, within areas under exploitation, in new structures currently undergoing investigation; promoting reserves of useful mineral substances into superior categories; specifying some characteristics of reserves of useful mineral substances with a view to including them in the balance reserves group; obtaining design data on power, hydrotechnical, industrial constructions, etc., in order to determine the structure and composition of the soil, the regime of undergroud waters, for the lands on which investment objectives are to be placed;
- works performed for extracting useful mineral substances in fluid state (development drilling) as well as works executed for increasing the crude oil recovery factor and exploitation rate, by injecting fluids into the oil deposit;
- other net investments - represent the expenses made for the purchase of draught, production and breeding animals, wine plantations, orchards, afforestations, the acquisition of household objects (fixed assets), the payment of research and design studies for investment objectives, the bank's commission for operations related to investments.
The population's investments refer to the investments for dwellings, household constructions, wine and fruit plantations, animals included in the basic herd, acquisitions of agricultural equipment and machinery (*) taken over from other units in exchange for payment. 
Periodicity Annual 
Data sources Structural business statistical survey details 
Methodology Metadata and quality report  
Last update DEC 12, 2024 
Observations Data are available since 2008. For the period 1997 - 2007 data are found in the matrix INV101C, INV101D.
The data comparability between NACE Rev.1 and NACE Rev.2 is not possible due to structural changes between the two classification (such as aggregation and/or detail of the classification). 
Continuation This matrix represents a continuation of the INV101C matrix, containing data up to Year 2008.
Responsible person Tacu Tiberiu Daniel;; tel. 0213181824/1483 

Project funded by EU
Project funded
by the EU
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