INV102A - Indices of the net investments, by activity of national economy CANE Rev.1 (1990 = 100 for 1997-2002 period; 2000=100 strating with year 2003) |
Definition |
Investment indices express the percentage change in the volume of investments as compared to the level of a given year, in comparable prices. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Structural business statistical survey details |
Methodology |
For 1997-2002 period the year of reference were 1990; starting with 2003 the year of reference is 2000. |
Last update |
JAN 30, 2014 |
Observations |
Industry-Including electric and thermal energy, gas and water.
The data are available since 1997.Data collection for the variables are according with CE Regulation No 58 concerning Structural Business Statistisc, in force since 1997.
The data can't be calculated in NACE Rev.2 only since the reference year 2009. |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: Year 2008. After this period, the series continue with the INV102D matrix |
Responsible person |
Tacu Tiberiu Daniel; daniel.tacu@insse.ro; tel. 0213181824/1483 |