INV102C - Indexes of the net investments, by structural elements compared with the same period from the previous year |
Definition |
Investment indices express the percentage change in the volume of investments as compared to the level of a given year, in comparable prices. |
Periodicity |
Quarterly |
Data sources |
Statisctical survey on investment in industry details Statistical survey on construction work performed under contract details Statistical survey on turnover in industry details |
Methodology |
Net investments (new) represent expenses incurred during reference period1) for construction works, installation and assembly, for the purchase of machinery, transportation and other expenses for purchasing new fixed assets (whose individual value exceeds 2,500 lei according Government Decision 276/2013 and have a normal length of service of more than one year) for the development, modernization, reconstruction of existing buildings and the value of services related to ownership transfer of existing fixed assets and land taken from other pay units (notary fees, commissions, costs of transport, loading, unloading, etc.). 1) Costs incurred during the reporting period are net payments for investments (new) both in progress and those that are completed in the reference year. Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
DEC 10, 2024 |
Observations |
The statistical survey is quaterly and it concerns all enterprises (see CANE classification Rev.2). Data source: Statistical survey Infraanual INV ' Investments for quarter ' ....' ' (2000 - 2004) and statistical survey CON TS / IND TS/SERV TS, Chapter. INV (beginning 2005). The data are not available for the period 1990 - 1999. |
Responsible person |
Gheorghe Petronela; petronela.gheorghe@insse.ro; tel. 0213181824/int 2091 |