LMV102A - Vacancies by macroregions, development regions, activity of national economy at level of CANE Rev.1 section |
Definition |
The number of job vacancies includes number of paid, newly created, unoccupied positions, or which are to become vacancies, for which: 1.2005-2008 period: i. the employer is taking active steps to find a suitable candidate for filing in the respective post (examples of active steps: the announcement of the vacant post through the official services of employment, advertising through newspapers, media, Internet, direct recruitment of the candidates etc); ii. the employer intends to fill immediately or in the near future (maximum 3 months after the reference period). 2.2009 onwards: i. the employer is taking active steps to find a suitable candidate for filing in the respective post (examples of active steps: the announcement of the vacant post through the official services of employment, advertising through newspapers, media, Internet, direct recruitment of the candidates etc); ii.the employer intends to fill either immediately or within a specific period of time, established by the employer. The specific period of time refer to the maximum time the vacancy is open and intended to be filled. Are considered job vacancies, the posts designated for persons outside the enterprise (but for which persons from inside the enterprise could also compete), irrespective if the posts are for an indefinite or definite duration or are in full-time or part-time working program. Are not considered job vacancies, the unoccupied posts: - exclusively designated to the hierarchical promotions inside the enterprise or institution; - from public administration bodies blocked by a legal act. The posts occupied by persons who are absent for a certain period of time (maternity leave, leave for child care, sickness leave, unpaid leave, other absences) are considered vacancies, if the employer wants to substitute for a definite period (temporary) and takes active steps in finding the replacing candidates. The yearly average job vacancies are calculated as simple arithmetic mean of the quarterly data. |
Periodicity |
Annual Quarterly |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on vacancies details |
Methodology |
The data for 2005-2007 were colected in accordance with the National Economic Activities Classification (CANE Rev. 1)
The data for 2008 were estimated according to the new Classification of Activities in the National Economy (CANE Rev.2) harmonised with European classification in the field (NACE Rev.2). Applied estimation method relies on conversion matrix of economic activities defined according to CANE Rev. 1 in economic activities defined according to CANE Rev.2. Building up the conversion matrix relies on data collected according to CANE both versions, by quarterly statistical survey on vacancies, during 2008.
From 2009 onwards the data are colected in accordance with the new Classification of Activities in the National Economy (CANE Rev.2).
Military staff and similar are excluded (Ministry od National Defense, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Romanian Intelligence Service, etc.).
Also, the data are colected and disseminated in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO - major group level, excluding major group 0 - armed forces).
According to the territorial distribution, data are available by total economy, macro-regions and regions (level 0, 1, and 2 of NUTS).
Data on the vacancies rate are obtained from Job vacancy survey, quarterly statistical sample survey, having as reference period, the middle month of the quarter. Statistical survey is carried out on the same sample used for the production of monthly statistics on earning and number of employees. Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
DEC 17, 2010 |
Observations |
The data are available for 2005-2008. |
Interruption |
Last period of this series: Year 2008. After this period, the series continue with the LMV102B matrix |
Responsible person |
Cotirta Alin; e-mail:alin.cotirta@insse.ro; int. 2281 |