LOC101A - Dwellings stock at the end of the year by type of ownership, urban/ rural area, macroregions, development regions and counties |
Definition |
A dwelling (an apartment) is the built unit made up of one or more habitable rooms situated at the same floor of the building or at different floors, generally fitted with outhouses (kitchen, bathroom a.s.o.) or with other serving spaces, which is functionally independent and has a separate entrance from the staircase hall, yard or street and which has been built, transformed or arranged with a view to being used, in theory, by one household.
The number of dwellings at the end of the year is pointed out. |
Periodicity |
Annual |
Data sources |
Statistical survey on the changes in dwellings stock details |
Methodology |
Dwellings stock is determined based on data obtained from Population and Housing Censuses and on changes occurred each year, namely: - inputs, representing dwellings in use (new dwellings and spaces with another destination changed into dwellings); - outputs, representing demolitions and change of dwellings into spaces with another destination.
Metadata and quality report |
Last update |
JUL 10, 2024 |
Observations |
For the period 1991-1998 the total row include ''other forms of ownership''.
In the balance of the dwellings stock on December 31, 2021 there are differences between ''Existing dwellings stock at the beginning of 2021'' and "Existing dwellings stock at the end of 2020" as a result of corrections made to the dwellings stock, rooms for habitation and habitable area.
Data on the number of dwellings, rooms for habitation and habitable area on 31 December 2021 are also estimated and provisional until the results of PHC 2021 are finalized. |
Responsible person |
Roman Liliana; liliana.roman@insse.ro; tel. 0213181824/2091 |